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Search results for query: *

  1. Hameedullah

    Form Fields and protection

    Hi, I have a mail merge document in MS Word 2003 in which I use several form fields to be filled manually as well. When a user opens the document (well, the system generates the document), they have to enable macros for the merge to work, once the data is retrieved from external source and...
  2. Hameedullah

    Text field argument in stored procedure - char limit?

    I don't think you can pass text to a stored procedure. Use varchar.YOu can send up to 8000 chars through it. Have a read of this: http://www.sqlxml.org/faqs.aspx?faq=42 You are either the slave of what made men or what men made.
  3. Hameedullah

    Search multiple mysql tables

    select a.thiscol, b.thatcol, c.thiscol from table a, table2 b, table3 c, table4 d where a.thiscol like '%this%' or b.thatcol like '%that%' That way you can build big query. There are other ways to achieve what you are doing. Like keeping keywords in a separate table with a reference to the...
  4. Hameedullah

    Dropdown Menus

    I am working on a website and they require a dropdown menu. I have created the menu and it works perfectly fine. Now I want to give it some kind of effect so instead of appearing all at once, it appears slowly (eg slides). How can I do it in javascript. You are either the slave of what made...
  5. Hameedullah

    word search

    I found a solution guys... thanks. I used another field and put all the keywords "with a preceding and trailing spaces" like " adsl modems netcomm " for a record that had Netcomm ADSL Modems. Doing search of that new field rather than title. You are either the slave of what made men or what...
  6. Hameedullah

    word search

    Hi everyone, I am having difficulty with writing a search function that searches the database for keywords. How can I write a sql query so that it returns those records that contain the keyword as a word not part of a word. I tried using wildcards like this select * from mytable where title...
  7. Hameedullah

    Trouble with IE blocking ActiveX

    That makes sense.... Thanks! You are either the slave of what made men or what men made.
  8. Hameedullah

    Trouble with IE blocking ActiveX

    I have build a very primitive dropdown menu that is displayed onMouseOver and goes hidden onMouseOut. It works fine, except the fact that IE gives an active x warning once the page is loaded. There are other websites that have similar kind-a stuff but doesn't get blocked. Can anyone tell me...
  9. Hameedullah

    number compare

    try casting <% if cdbl(minspend) < cdbl(producttotal) then %> do stuff <% end if %> Cheers, Hameed You are either the slave of what made men or what men made.
  10. Hameedullah

    How to display content from another web site

    It really depends on what sort of details you want and also of the page layout. ....... why do you want to display content of another page. I am sure there is a better way of accessing those info. You are either the slave of what made men or what men made.
  11. Hameedullah

    disable a radio button group

    You have two options: reset to radio_disabled to zero length string "" just before the if statement <% radio_disabled = "" if CStr((Recordset1.Fields.Item("lock").Value)) = "Locked" then radio_disabled = "disabled=true" end if %> or write the whole HTML tag inside the if statement: <%...
  12. Hameedullah

    Loop Until Number Doesn't Exist in Database

    Try the following. This way, it will also show number 1 even if it is deleted. <% sCaseID = 1 Do Until objRs.EOF If sCaseID < cint(objRs("CaseID")) Then For i = sCaseID to cint(objRs("CaseID")) Response.Write(i & "<br />") Next End If...
  13. Hameedullah

    Loop Until Number Doesn't Exist in Database

    do until recordset.eof response.write(recordset("CaseID") & "<br />") this_caseid = cint(recordset("CaseID")) recordset.movenext if this_caseid > cint(recordset("CaseID")) + 1 then for i = this_caseid+1 to cint(recordset("CaseID")) - 1 response.write(i & "<br />") next if...
  14. Hameedullah

    disable a radio button group

    <% if CStr((Recordset1.Fields.Item("lock").Value) = "True" then radio_disabled = "disabled" else radio_disabled = "" end if %> <input type="radio" <%=radio_disabled%> ....> This will only disabled if the Lock variable is true.
  15. Hameedullah

    Mutiple include directives

    <table> <tr> <td><!--#include file="left.asp"--></td> <td><!--#include file="main.asp"--> </td> <td><!--#include file="Right.asp"--> </td> </tr> </table> Of course you can layout the table as you wish. Hegards, Hameed
  16. Hameedullah

    How to get PHP to work with checkboxes (MySQL backend)?

    Let's say you read the record. We assume the values are saved in an array called $row: <?php if ($row['fieldname'] == -1) { $checked = "checked"; } else { $checked = ""; } ?> <input type="checkbox" value="-1" <?=$checked?>> The following code by BabyJeffy will set the box to checked...
  17. Hameedullah

    PHP and echo

    I am sure there must be an easier way, but what comes to my mind right now is to find the require("") in the string and then split the string into three parts. echo first part eval the second part echo the third part I am not a great php programmer, so I have to look for the code to give you...
  18. Hameedullah

    Regular Expressions or no?

    Thanks guys. Paul, I guess my question was not clear enough. Sorry for misunderstanding. vbKris, I will try the solution. Thanks Hameed
  19. Hameedullah

    Regular Expressions or no?

    I want to find any newline "\n" and replace it with <BR> only if it does not follow by certain HTML tags (eg <p>, <br>, etc) that would double up the spaces. Can anyone help me what is the best way to go about this? Should i use regex's? if so then can you tell me how to write the pattern...
  20. Hameedullah

    Alll words search

    got it sorted... Thanks!

Part and Inventory Search
