if you read some of my last postings you will know that i had several problems getting JAAS started on tomcat. now everything works fine with tomcat and i want to know if it is also possible to do the same with the orion application server. is it possible to set up a form based authentification...
when a user is authenticated with jaas a subject is created. how do i store the subject in the container of the web application and how can i use it later in another jsp page ?
i built a login module with JAAS that authenticates a user against a relational database. i have an existing web application (jsp). now my question: how do i map the users role that i get from the database on a role that exists in my web application ?
i mean the built in security with which you can limit the users access to web resources. it's an xml file where you supply an URI and a rolename that can access the given URI. i "think" that this feature comes with JAAS. and i also "think" that JAAS's methods isUserInRole() ... are used to...
first of all i have to say that i am a bloody beginner in the j2ee environment. i read a lot of the docu that is out there but things aren't getting much clearer. But now to my problem:
the application i am working on (JSP frontend, some java beans and servlets) has a custom security class. it...
how do i prevent access from autosaving a forms data? that means storing the entries in the (bound) textfields in the database ? i want to do this with a botton.
i want to open an empty form that contains "bounded" fields (i hope can imagine what i mean). but i always get all datasets of the specified table. i have tried the filter but i doesn't work. any other way to open an empty form. or is it possible to jump directly to the last (empty)...
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