dear all
i have a table with an adress field
and an another with word
the question is how can i match them
1 table
field adress:
- abbey road
- sunset BVD
field word and field adress
- abbey 1
- rd 1
- sunset 2
ps : i don't want a solution...
so if you want
Public Function s_RemplacerChaine(ByVal vs_Valeur As String, rs_Avant As String, rs_Apres As String) As String
Dim ls_Result As String
Dim li_Pos As Integer
ls_Result = ""
While Len(vs_Valeur) > 0
li_Pos = InStr(vs_Valeur, rs_Avant)...
dear all
i have a table with an adress field
and an another with word
the question is how can i match them
1 table
field adress:
- abbey road
- sunset BVD
field word and field adress
- abbey 1
- rd 1
- sunset 2
ps : i don't want a solution...
how can i remove a double letter in a word
like follow me = folow me
i usually use a function search and replace but i think they are an another solution
dear p27br
split doesnt work with access
so i use
Function s_Coupemot(ByVal strOu As String, rs_sep As String) As String
Dim ls_Result As String
Dim li_Pos As Integer
Dim ls_word As String
ls_Result = ""
ls_word = ""
While Len(strOu) > 0...
hi everyone
so this my problem i want to cut in sentence in word:
the sentence is in a first table with a code like :
sentence : " the dog run in the garden "
code : 01
(sorry for the sentence, next time i will make better)
and i want this result in table_word...
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