I solved my problem using the following for the left and right brackets,
UPDATE visithist SET visit_history_create_date = Left([visit_history_create_date],22);
Once the bracket was removed I used your expression then converted the field to date/time.
Many thanks for taking time to repond to...
OK, That expression only works when the brackets are removed. I removed the brackets from a few records and tested the expression and it works now the problem is how do I remove the brackets using an update query. The total records in the file is 20,000+ so how can I remove the brackets from the...
I recenty imported some data from a MS SQL dbase into MS Access. I the comma delimeted text file the date appear as "2004/07/23:05:05:20 PM" but when I bring it into Access it becomes "[2004/07/23:05:05:20 PM]". I am trying to track some website activity and want to manage the time spent looking...
Thanks so much Leslie for your reply. BUT...
The Registered Training table is supposed to work like the third table you described. The reg table consists of the regTranID(pk), partID(fk), payment type, training year and few other fields.
For the training info, ie Title, Date etc I have two...
Hi all,
I have a database I designed for use on my job. The database works similar to a college regsitration system. Student A will have the same ID but will attend various classes throughout his/her 4 yrs of college.
My database has the following tables:
Participant Table: partID(prim key) and...
Thanks so much for your replies. The tables are Survey and Job Activities.
Basically Job Activities has two fields jobActivities, autonumber and Activities Performed, text.
Survey has lots of fields but the only field I'm dealing with is jobActivities. I created a lookup field to look up...
I have a field jobActivity and a look up table Job Activities. Can I assign more than one job activity to the field jobActivity?
Thanks for your help!
I tried it another way and it worked but It's not so sublte. I used a macro to run an update SQL command. It basically changes the value of printProfile to know once the report view is closed. The one thing that has me brainstorming new ideas is that as the report closes a message box prompts...
I want it to clear the printProfile when the report is previewed not so much when it is sent to the printer. Because the template for the profiles are set so their won't be any changes.
Thanks so much for your reply.
Thanks for responding Daniel. Yes it is a report that I preview then send to the printer. It may or may not be a single item. For example if someone didn't receive their profile in the mail and request another one printProfile will be checked so that during the next printing it may be in a group...
I have a checkbox (printProfile) in one of my many tables. The check box is yes/no for printing the profile of a participant. When a new profile is entered the default value for (printProfile) is set to yes. After the profile is printed how can I reset the value to no so that at the end of the...
I tried that and as soon as I enter the participant ID on the main subform (Participant) it goes away once I hit the enter key to enter other information.
Let me explain again. I have the main form Particpant with subforms/tabs. When a new person is entered I want to after entering their...
Hi all,
I have 4 subforms running under tabs. The main tab/subform is participant. Tab 2 is the registration form. All the underlying tables are linked by the participant ID.
What happends when a new participant is entered is that when I click on the registration tab the form does not update...
Thank you soooo much for taking the time to make a suggestion. I will definitely give it a shot. It seems so easy when you think about how all the underlying tables are linked by an id yet the forms won't transfer the id numbers unless you save and then go back in. Odd.
Anyway I will post my...
Hi all.
I have three two Participant (pk-partID), Registered Training (pk-regtranID, fk-partID).
I've created a form based on the Participant table with a subform for Registered Training that is viewed when you select the Registered Trainings tab but what is happening is that when a new record...
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