I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to get rid of the annoying Print message box when you are printing a report directly to the printer
The CRReport.Printout False still brings up the print box
Some reports that are printed require no user input and if I change this I can be...
I convert all the databases required to print to crystal report ocx. My problem is that now when I call the print function I am asked for a passwoed before printing. The system works fine with Access 97.... no passsword required. Anyone have any ideas. I'm already bald so I have no hair left to...
I've tried all the above before, fresh reboot etc. The reports print fine on the network I develpoed the system on. I've even reinstalled windows on all the systems..
Crystal decisoins knowledge base says it's a problem with crystal reports pointing to the wrong system.mdw file but there are...
I have this small problem... Every time I try to print a report with crystal report 8 through VB 6 I get the dreaded 20500- Out of memory error. I checked the Seagate site and they recomend running Sysdb32 to sync the registry with system.mdb and crystal decision..huh.. The problem is none of...
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