Here is the problem that I already ran into by not using the correct projectid.
Originally, I had an autonumber field as my primary key, and the projectid was being entered manually, after the original record was created. One part of the database tracks where projects are (editing, cover...
I have to have the projectID in the format of yymm-##. This is not up to me to change.
In searching through old posts, I found something about using a form current event, but I didn't understand the instructions. If soemone could help me with this please...
It works!! I changed the projectID to my primary key (which is now causing me an entry problem, but anyways) Now I am able to pull just the project ID I want and see the tracking. Thank you so much for sticking it out with me!!!
The month that the project is requested would be fine, there would be no way to determine what month the project was started when they are requesting, and I need this to be my primary key for lookup fields on my forms.
I would want the ## to start from 01 each new month. The reason for the ##...
I am trying to write a macro (I do not have much experience with this at all) that will set my primary key. here is what I need it to do...
format of field will be yymm-##
I need it to populate the 2 digit year and month, then increment the last 2 numbers. I am trying to write the macro in...
I came across this poist and it is exactly what I need to do. I am however a little confused as to where I put this in my form. Where is the form current event?
Here's how I have the records being created. I have a project request form. An end user types in what they need from us and submits. We then reopen the form and edit in projectid, project lead, designer, etc.
I think what I am going to try to do is have projectid autonumber and then go back...
That is exactly what is happening. I noticed it earlier when I was trying something. I took out the primary key field and then everything started going haywire. I just changed it back.
Is there any way to make this work as is?
The only problem with making projectID my primary key is that it...
I tried typing what you put in the expression builder. I received the following error when I tried to run it.
"The syntax of the subquery in this expression is incorrect. Check the subquery's syntax and enclose the subquery in parentheses"
I am not sure where I am supposed to type all of that in. I am working on access 97, not sure if that makes a difference. When I go in to create a query, there is nowhere for me to type any code.
I got the following error when I tried to filter. "type mismatch in join expression"
both fields in the project track and the projectid table are set to text. The only differences int he field properties is that projecttrack.projectid is a combo box with a lookup and...
ok, I ran the query for projectinfo and all the data came up. When I ran projecttrack, nothing came up. I double checked the table and there is data in the projectid field and it is what I am typing in and it matches what is in the project info table. i am at a complete loss...
Thank you for helping me with this...
I tried what danvlas suggested. My queries are still coming up blank. When I used the projectinfo.projectid in the query and had the criteria set to [Enter Project ID], changed the join type so that the arrow pointed to project track, I was able to pull...
Project Name: Index Book
ProjectID: 0207-01
Project Lead: John Doe
Designer: Jane Doe
Send to Print: 8/1/2002
Bill Smith 7/1/02 8:00 jd Editing
Joe Schmoe 7/2/02 9:45 bs cover design
Jill Doe 7/2/02 1:45 js...
I am designing a database to keep track of projects. One part of it I made a form that keeps track of who has the project. This table is project track. i have it liked to the project info table by the project ID (not the primary key, but it is an indexed field). This is a one to many...
I am designing a database to keep track of projects. One part of it I made a form that keeps track of who has the project. This table is project track. i have it liked to the project info table by the project ID (not the primary key, but it is an indexed field). This is a one to many...
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