I was away yesterday so I didn't have a chance to respond.<br>I'm not sure what happened with unicorn11's code but it was not what I have on mine. Where did you get that code from?<br>Maybe I gave you the wrong file. Or you view source from a different file (see end of post for...
OK, I have just proved that Liam is correct.<br>There was one page residing in the root directory that was, infact, being compiled by NN ( albeit the CSS was distorted beyond recognition -it was originally done in FrontPage!) <br>So that page was at least being compiled- if you goto <A...
Thanks for your help!<br>I've been FTPing. It's interesting, that if you go to the root directory- <A HREF="http://www.crystalcreative.com" TARGET="_new">www.crystalcreative.com</A> , You won't get code, Of course the compiling jumbles it up, but it does run the code. So that indicates that the...
I'm not sure I explained it right. The URL is <A HREF="http://www.crystalcreative.com/tempor/index.htm" TARGET="_new">www.crystalcreative.com/tempor/index.htm</A>
Here is the code for the site. Unicorn11 was right that on this page I missed a </body> but on the other pages which are similar to this one I saw no misssing tags. Here is an...
Why would netscape 4.73 generating the code and not compiling it ?<br>On IE it's all fine but on Netscape I get all code.<br>The code is written using notepad and just plain tables.<br>T.I.A.
The AOL browser seems to think that my background image has finished and starts it from the begining 2/3 of the way through the page going right to left.<br>IE does not. How can this be fixed?<br>T.I.A
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