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Search results for query: *

  1. Chucklez

    Problem linking dbf files in 2000 and newer, but works in 97?!?

    Ok, I have never seen this before, so hopefully someone can help me resolve it. We have a production tracking system here at work that uses dbf and ndx files (database and index respectively). When I link the files in Access '97, it works, no problem. But in 2000 and above, I get a "The...
  2. Chucklez

    Using a <a> with padding or margin

    I really dont want to do that. Looks like I may go with the sloppy route and just move my anchor tags to the section above. It wont be correct, but will atleast display accurately
  3. Chucklez

    Using a <a> with padding or margin

    Hi all. Hopefully someone can help me out a bit here. On a site I am developing I have a header and footer that does not move while allowing scrolling in the middle section. http://margraphics.com/NewSite/DigitalFiles.php I am also using <a> tags to move to certain topics in a FAQ section of...
  4. Chucklez

    Session oddities

    everyone has to login to go to the gaming part. The member db that is used is the forums, so everything is tied into that.
  5. Chucklez

    Session oddities

    As far as I can gather from members who have responded, this is an issue that is unique to him. We have tried to have him login via the portal and via the forums themselves and still no luck. As far as the frequency of this, it happens all the time. He can login and browse thru the forum all day...
  6. Chucklez

    Session oddities

    Not sure if I should put this here or somewhere else, but it deals with php, so I will start here. I have a site with a portal that leads to a gaming area and a forums area. The same session for the forum is used in the gaming area. What is happening is this: When a certain user logs into the...
  7. Chucklez

    Multiple table rows dependant upon the number of records returned

    I figured it out, I needed to bust out of the HTML code to get it to work: <table cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" border = "0"> <tr> <td> <img src="images/domini_top.jpg" border = "0" width = "432" height = "174"> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="renuntio"...
  8. Chucklez

    Multiple table rows dependant upon the number of records returned

    Im having a problem with my display not showing corectly. I query a MySQL DB, return a recordset (lets say 10 records), then do a for loop to cycle thru 10 times and create in essence 10 new table rows to display all my info. I know the "<#DOMINI_TEXT$d#>" is working correctly because if I...
  9. Chucklez

    Using Format() to return another language

    I have the following code: strCutOffDate = UCase(Format(strCutOffDate, "dddd mmm dd, yyyy")) And I need to retrieve the date format in English AND Spanish. Is there a 'SetEnvironment' command or something similar that I cant find that I could use, or do I need to actually go thru and make...
  10. Chucklez

    Free php server?

    A site I use occasionally is 100webspace.com they support php as well as mySQL
  11. Chucklez

    ternary operation is always evaulating to false

    I dont understand it, so hopefully someone here can point out what my stupid mistake is. $DATE_SL=(trim($SCRIE_SL)!='?????') ? $SCRIE_SL : "?????"; Now, SCRIE_SL has a value of 456, but it keeps returning a value of "?????", which is the false part of the statement. I have been trying to...
  12. Chucklez

    Table differences in IE and FireFox

    I am writing a routine in php that takes info entered into a text box by a user, explode() it, then place it into certain textboxes by using java (or so is the plan right now). Problem I am encountering, is that when a user copies the table info from IE, it is return delimeted, wherebye firefox...
  13. Chucklez

    problems creating cookies

    Found the solution to the problem. <? $UNAME=$_GET['name']; $ULEVEL=$_GET['group']; setcookie("BMWmember", $UNAME, time()+36000, "/"); setcookie("BMWmemberlvl", $ULEVEL, time()+36000, "/"); header("Location: http://www.pussycat-ox.com/BMW/battleboards/"); exit; ?> Changed it...
  14. Chucklez

    problems creating cookies

    I am attempting to create 2 cookies in php, but I keep having problems. Here is where I send the information out to create the cookie: redir("http://*****cat-ox.com/BMW/includes/setcookie.php?name=$USERNAME&group=$MEMBERLEVEL","Just a moment while you are redirected to the BMW Toolbox.")...
  15. Chucklez

    Using cURL to obtain information from a site

    Thanks. I went back a re-read your old posts several times, and found the point you made earlier. Tried it out, and with a little finagling, got it to work. I had to send it in to login2.pl first to create the cookies, THEN send it to guilddetail.cgi. It works. not quite the way I envisioned...
  16. Chucklez

    Using cURL to obtain information from a site

    Sorry, when I posted it here I forgot to take that comment tags out. Since then I have taken those out,and still nothing. Here is how I am populating cookiefile with the contents: <? $cookie_file_path = "cookiefile"; $url =...
  17. Chucklez

    Using cURL to obtain information from a site

    So I was right in my previous beleifs. Now, let me throw this in. Currently, I am logged onto that site via the login script that you mentioned I will need to interact with. Heck, in another browser window, I am open to that exact page, so therefore all cookies have been set with mageid...
  18. Chucklez

    Using cURL to obtain information from a site

    Originally, I asked this question in the html forums, and they directed me to use cURL. Now, after spending the last day and a half looking it over, im stuck. Here is my current code: <?php $HTTP_method = 'http'; $hostname = 'app.the-reincarnation.com'; $cgi = '/cgi-bin/rank.cgi?guild=15'...
  19. Chucklez

    obtaining info from another website?

    well, What I meant by cookie, Is the cookie contains the users "key" to allow them to connect to the server. Does that make sense? They have to be logged into the gaming site, in order to view any information. So what I meant by cookie is, it will use the cookie information for authorization to...
  20. Chucklez

    obtaining info from another website?

    I have only been doing PHP coding for a month or 2 now, and what little I know is self taught, so please bear with me. A little Background: I play an online game, and I run a personal site that keeps track of player rankings. Now individual rankings fluctuate from 1 minute to the next, and I...

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