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Search results for query: *

  1. newmem

    SMTP email accounts through asp.net

    Is it possible to read the email accounts defined in the exchange server? I am writing an interface which will pull the company's global email address list, then the use rcan choose the email To: list and send a custom email from a .aspx page. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks
  2. newmem

    Daily automatic email service

    SonD, You can write the application as a "Console Application" or a "Windows App (.exe)". Then open a .bat file in text editor like notepad. Enter the command to execute the app. you just created. for example, test.bat -> <path to the exe> Using "add scheduled task", you can schedule to run...
  3. newmem

    Data Export (DataGrid --&gt; Excel)

    Here's a very good artcile which explains the work-around to overcome the errors caused by the paging,sorting. http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Code/2003/Sept/ExportASPNetDataGridToExcel.asp
  4. newmem

    Checking for empty recordset

    Or you can run an ExecuteScalar(&quot;Select count(col_name) from TableName&quot;),..) function to get the total number of rows affected. Check this value, if its > 0 then execute the code to return a dataset/datareader.
  5. newmem

    Dropdown list control, autopost back..

    Thanks for the reply, Isadore. The two points you mentioned were typo in the sample code. I matched your code line by line .. and I didn't find anything different. But still nothing happens when I click the dropdownlist and get the javascript error. newmem
  6. newmem

    Dropdown list control, autopost back..

    Hi All I have a similar problem as described in thread855-692299 . It didn't solve my error so I'm describing the error I'm getting. I have a dropdown list which is db-bound and has the autopostback set to true. When the application runs, the ddl gets all the data etc. But on selecting an item...
  7. newmem

    Hi I need some help with Printin

    Hi I need some help with Printing a Label from Crystal Reports. I'm using CR for .net version (that was shipped with VS.net). The application needs to pull data from SQL database and print to a Eltron 3742 Label printer. The Label has dimensions 2.25&quot; (width) x 3.00&quot; (height). I...
  8. newmem

    vb.net printing ..

    Does anyone has experience writing a crystal report to a Label printer using a vs.net application? I have a sample crystal report which is writing a acrobar\t reader but then is it possible to control the page size with the label size? (I'm using a Eltron label printer.)
  9. newmem

    Crystal Report for .net - Passing LogIn credetials

    Hi everyone, We are using Crystal Reports for .net in our web app. At design time, the connection is defined in the report using the OLE DB provider for SQL Server. The issue occurs in the code-behind of the webfor1.aspx, while passing the LogOn information to the Crystal Report Document...
  10. newmem

    repeat a waitfor command?

    Thanks knob. It worked like a charm. This forum has been very helpful & hosts some great experts who are willing to share thier knowledge. Good Job! newmem
  11. newmem

    repeat a waitfor command?

    Hi, We have a situation here - The remote system is performing daily batch updates. During this process, the system prompts for &quot;Do you want to print batch # (N)?&quot; for all the OPEN batches in the system. where N = batch no. When all the batches (this range can differ daily) are...
  12. newmem

    OnTextChanged event and postback

    I have few textboxes on my data entry form and a submit /Cancel button. When a user hits <ENTER> in the textbox, the it's OnTextChanged event gets fired and thereafter the Submit button's click event is executed. Is this behaviour by design? Are there any ideas to get around this? Thanks!
  13. newmem

    clock server control help!

    yeah.. i shud be able to use the C# control as it is but then it appears to be defined as a windows User Control and I need a web User Control:(
  14. newmem

    clock server control help!

    Thta's possible but it would display only the current time only. I am really looking for a &quot;CLOCK&quot; to display on each page and not just the current time. (I found a sample Digital Clock written in C#.. but now i'm not familiar with the syntax and how to convert it into a vb control...
  15. newmem

    clock server control help!

    I am looking for a digital clock server control which can be added to the .net web application. Its similar to the one in the task bar but this would let the user view the server time. any samples (vb.net) would be appreciated. Thanks
  16. newmem

    server timestamp?

    Is there any way to capture the date timestamp on the server rather than on the client's machine? some times, the client machine and the server are not time synchronized so I was thinking that reading the server timestamp directly would be helpful. Thanks.
  17. newmem

    MCAD Certification

    Hi , Has anyone taken the new MCAD course exams? Can anyone share the useful resources for practice tests/newgroups/braindumps? Thanks
  18. newmem

    Time Comparison

    the date comparisons do return 12:02 am is less than 10:00 pm but this value is after midnight (date would be the next day). I need to check in the code if 10 pm-10:15 pm is between the 9:59 pm-12:02am . ignore the code I sent but is there any other way to do the compare? Fresh ideas would help.
  19. newmem

    Time Comparison

    Hi guys, I am struggling with this Time comparison : I need to check if the time range 10:00 PM - 10:15 PM falls between the range 09:59 PM - 12:02 AM. I tried various ways to compare but no luck. here's what my code looks like: Assume T1 = 09:59 PM , T2 = 12:02 AM, tempT1=10:00 PM , tempT2...
  20. newmem

    Write Text to file

    thanks. But the file still shows up: &quot;0000002438200210141042&quot; instead it shud be 0000002438200210141042

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