i have quite a complex vision, perhaps i can get some guidance here...
First off an overview:
There will be a grid of empty movieclips that will be arranged in the movie. These clips will be a place for loading other clips, depending on variables passed from an external txt file. The...
thanks! I'll try that.
I do, however, still want the button to respond to mouseout so when you pass over a button without clicking, it does not remain highlighted. For example, when a button is ON, the other buttons still should get highlighted as you pass over them. Then when you click a...
sometimes that problem is caused by stray quotes(usually when ppl use apostrophes within a string and FORGET to escape them)
sadly, as my name suggests, i forget the escape seq for that, and you gave too much code for me to possibly find the right line, err, quickly. This may help you out...
I have made a page with a nav bar at the top, consisting of a table with images for the buttons. It is scripted to swap the image with a "highlighted" image using onmouseover and returns to "normal" onmouseout.
what i would like to do is have an...
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