Thanks, defining a css worked, but there is another problem.<br><br><--------->This is a test.<br><br>Now, in the above text. I left <--------> space, before starting a new line. In the same way how can I leave one tap space area before starting a new line in DW3. I know it's easy in...
Hi Unicorn11<br>I tried that but it didn't work. This is what inside the div tag:<br><div id="Layer3" style="position:absolute; left:8px; top:126px; width:767px; height:375px; z-index:3; left: 14px"><br><br>Now if I'm not wrong I have to replace left with Justify. I...
Hi!<br>I'm new to DW3. How do I Justify Text in DW3? and don't know how to insert a tab space before starting a new paragraph.<br> Like This One. All of them inside a layer!<br>Thanks
<br> I opened Class View but there are no enrties as FillFontList. In order<br>to add function first I have to choose FullFontList and click add function.<br>But if there are not any such thing as FullFontList then how do I add function.<br> <br> If I edit the code and compile it. It returns...
I'm reading a book on using VC++, the book say;<br><br>step 3: Specify the function type as void, the function declaration as FillFontList,<br>and the access as Private. Click the OK button to close the dialog and *add the function*.<br><br>void CDay7Dlg::FillFontList()<br>{<br> some codes...
Hi!<br> I've been using Visual C++ for 3/4 days. I've bought a book "SAMS Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days." I'm now on the Day 2 of the book. But I've a problem while displaying the message to the user. If you have the book that will be great if not then I'll try to give details...
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