I wouldn't bother, if I were you. Just set the Enabled property to False and the Locked property to True on the boxes displaying the data or on the whole sub-form. Then they will quickly get the idea. Viv Paton
Access Developer
Quick and dirty:
Export as an .rtf into Word and then copy and paste the text into the body of the message.
The same method could be coded, but I'm afraid I don't have examples to send you. Viv Paton
Access Developer
I don't think you can enter anything in a parameter prompt to get all records on a 'yes/no'.
You would need to use a pop-up form with something like a tri-state 'tick box' (or a more user-friendly combo box) to vary the criteria in the query and preserve the possibilty of including all records...
I would suggest that you paste the SQL (minus the criteria statement) into the form's record source and then set up a line of text boxes in the detail section of the new form. Bind these to the fields you wish to display, and then change the Form's 'Default View' property to 'Continuous Forms'...
A data sheet or continous form I would suggest. You can use the 'on double-click' property to do an actions you need when the user decides to do anything. I that what you mean't?
Viv Viv Paton
Access Developer
Yeah, I think this will do it:
Public Sub SetHiddenTableAttribute(tblName As String)
Dim tbl As TableDef
Const cSYSTEM_OBJ = &H80000000
Set tbl = CurrentDb.TableDefs(tblName)
If ((tbl.Attributes And cSYSTEM_OBJ) <> cSYSTEM_OBJ) And _
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