I'm grouped by Product, and I am displaying it in my page header. Its a simple supress formula that says to suppress if...
{?parameter} = '4'
Well, obviously it isn't seeing the parameter value or something because it isn't suppressing the Product field. What could be causing this??
I have a crystal chart and the x axis is the monthnames. Crystal chart sorts it by ascending order, instead of Jan, feb, mar, etc. I changed the sort in the chart expert to original, and it sorts it properly, but duplicates it 3 times across(I assume because I have 3 line series)
How can I...
I have a left outer join from my main table to a ref table on the field dx_code. I need a formula that says if the code exists in the ref table show it, but if it doesn't then use the main.dx_code. This is what I have, but it gives blanks if the code doesn't exist in the ref table...
I'm sorry, I referred to the linking when its the table that I meant. You're right, in crystal if I use a single table I won't get the inflation. That is the plan.
Thank you once again.
But if I create a single table that does not include the field that has the multiple values in it then it seems to be working(at least it is in MS Access)
Yes, that is exactly what is happening to my report, table inflation due to my master table being joined to a detail table that has a field that has multiple values per record, so I will join the tables in SAS to produce 1 table to use in crystal, instead of doing the joining 2 in crystal...
Can somebody give me a clue???
My crystal report is oversumming for no apparent reason. Kenhamady told me this neat trick about creating a formula called Null containing a Variable, but then deleting the variable so it contains nothing. Well,this works for my conditional If then statement using...
A couple of months kenhamady suggested creating a {@Null} formula in order for my If then formula to work. Well for some reason it isn't working anymore. My report is up for review on Monday or Tuesday and my figures are calculating incorrectly.
I am trying to count cases where LOS>=7. I've...
Hi Ken,
I have a subreport in my report, but I only want it to run or be displayed if "Y" is entered into a parameter called subreport. Is this possible, and if so can you show me how?
Sorry about that...
I have a crystal report that counts case numbers if the case was open longer than 7 days.
I do this in 2 simple formulas
The first is...
If LOS(length of stay)>=7 then 1 else o
Sum({@admits},{state}(group1 header))
I also sum again by...
I have a crystal report that counts case numbers if the case was open longer than 7 days.
I do this in 2 simple formulas
The first is...
If LOS(length of stay)>=7 then 1 else o
However my count returns a larger number than it should because I have a...
I am writing a pass-thru query in MS Access and I am trying to tell it to give me data between 01/01/2001 and 06/30/2001, but it bombs when I use between. What is the correct syntax to use in this case?
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