If you just want the the PID's of the sqlplus processes, you could do something like this:
ps -ef | grep sqlplus | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'
This will just display the PID's of the sqlplus processes.
Oh, yes, I forgot -- if you want this to run every month at the same time, then you should set up a crontab entry for the user that should be running this, something like the following;
0 1 1 * * find <dirname> -type d -mtime -180 -exec rm -rf {} \;
This will run the "find" command...
I'm more used to Solaris, but the "find" command should be the same on both. Your "find" command string should look something like this:
find <dirname> -type d -mtime -180 -exec rm -rf {} \;
This will find all directories older than 180 days old and delete the directories...
You might also want to think about getting a video/keyboard switch that will allow you to connect multiple machines to a single monitor and keyboard. That way, you won't have to switch your keyboard back and forth between machines. I've used Apex SunDial video switches in the past with good...
If you're connected through a terminal server, you can do the following:
Ctrl-] (the Control key plus the right bracket key)
this takes you to the telnet prompt -- here, type "send brk" (without the quotation marks).
This will usually take you to the OK prompt. At that point, you...
It could also be a revision problem. I ran into a similar issue when I tried to install Solaris 8 10/01 on a Sparc20, starting off with the Install CD, and going through the whole process, and then on reboot, it couldn't find the boot file. I went through whole exact process again, this time...
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