Hi and thank you for your help. I have installed the C6 folder, generated from the indy60.bat inside Borland\Include folder.
I have included the path inside the library and after installed it's all ok. When I close bcb and I re-open it, the probram show me the sameerror (doesn't found.... .bpl)...
I would like to upgrade to indy10 but after install it on my pc, if I close and re-open bcb, it doesn't find idclindy60core.bpl (but it exists). could someone help me?
Thanks a lot for your prompt reply. I have searched a lot but I have found only this one http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1061271
Are you speaking about it?
Someone could help me to authenticate the NMSMTP component using userid and password?
it's impossible for me to migrate into Indy Component.
Please help me......
thanks for your message.
i should insert a button inside a form and onclick event insert the code line
String sFic = xAp.cPB + "\\CARTBV_" + DigitLg(lsLg->Text) + ".doc";
if (MiraFile(sFic)) {
AvisaW(this, "Generando e impriendo carta ...")...
Dear All,
I would like to create a winword page with some information included in a database. Searching on the web I find only few commands:
V = CreateOleObject("Word.Basic");
V.Exec(Procedure("FileNew") << "Normal");
Thank you very much for your help.
I'm trying to use your code but the builder doesn't compile the " ml.Display(true);"
could you help me?
Where can I find more information about outlookapllication component?
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have realized a program with which I send an email to my friends but I would like to know if someone know how it's possible to receive an automatically confirm (obviusly by email) (something like outlook)
Im having a problem with a application which lost data. Opening Database Desktop and Packing Table, I can found the data. Someone know the command to pack the table directly by a form?
Any help muchly appriciated.....
Some days ago, my provider changed the host property and now, to send an email, I must insert server authentication.
Inside my software, I should insert Userid and password but I don't know where.
Is there someone can help me?
Thank you....
Dear Chris,
thank you very much for your email.
I'm using 5.0 version of C builder. I'm sorry for my english but I'll try to explain better my problem to you.
I have realized a program and I would like that when it's on is impossible to close or minimize it.
Do you have some idea?
Thank you...
Dear All,
I would like to know if it's possible to deactivate the function with which is possible to minimize a form.
I have tried with borderstyle=bsnone but it's always possible, clicking the right button of the mouse to minimize the form.
someone can help me?
Thank you very much for all your...
I have realized a software but I would like to know if it's possible to send the print instead of the printer into the email.
Someone can help me?
Thank you,
Thank you very much,
I'll try to explain my problem better. When I work with my pc and I'm not inside the LAN it's all Ok. If I connect my pc into the LAN (there is a router) and I change the gateway in my TCP/IP propriety it is Ok, after I switch off and restart it. I would like to know if when...
Dear All,
thank you very much for your support.
I have realized a internet browser with visual c++. It is all ok until of I link my pc to a LAN. I don't know I can set the gateway ( in the program. is it possible?
Thank you again,
Thank you very much for your help;
I didn't Know ("OnCloseQuery") and I have seen that it is very useful. I'm thinking to create a programme with which could be possible to able/disable the power-button of the PC. Could you know if it is possible?
Thank you again,
Dear All,
I have a little problem. I have made a program and I have seen that if someone switches off the pc I lose all the data, so my question is : is it possible to disable the "switching off" of the pc through a programme?
Probably it's impossible but ..... never say never!
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