Thanks a lot Hypatia
In the while I found also this method (with MailSlot) as follows
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Declare Function CreateMailslotNoSecurity Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateMailslotA" (ByVal lpName As String, ByVal...
I'm creating a TXT/RTF editor (MDI .exe) in VB 6
I have associated TXT and RTF file to be opend (with doulcle click) with my editor program
Now I would like to open multiple file with the same instance of the application (for example if I double click on more txt file) or use the same...
Hi everybody
I hope that someone can help me:
I need to scroll horizontally (left/right) 2 RTF box together using directly the code.
How could I manage it?
I found how scroll the vertically (using the sendmessage API) but not for horizontal scroll.
thanks in advance and all the best
ok, I found by myself
'Lock the window update for flickering using API
LockWindowUpdate form.hwnd
'Unlock windowupdate for flickering using API
LockWindowUpdate False
using a RTF box, I want to work on a single row (current) every time that I press the key-down/key-up arrows of the keyboard.
In one sub I compute the current column and the line lenght of the line where the cursor is positioned (using sendmessage api)
When keyup or keydown is pressed I...
Yes, Dimandja , is true...
Sorry I forget something.
I want to read all the member of the partitioned data set inside my program, (not only one at time) and I don't know how to understand the end of each member inside the partitioned. This is my real problem
Bye and thank you
Is possible to use the same code for calling different sub?
I am thinking at something about this:
Tabname(0) = "Command1_click"
Tabname(1) = "Form_unload"
for I = 1 to numel
routine_name = Tabname(I)
call routine_name
Thank You
I'm working with a Rich text format control and when I press the tab key(or shift + tab key), I want to indent/outdent all the selected text (to right or to left) ALSO IF I SELECT MORE THEN ONE LINE.
I realize the following code but does not work exactly.
My problems are:
1)after I...
I saw some interesting news on internet about this.
Many people says that "This problem has different solutions, because differents are the philosophy".
The only sure poiint for me, In this moment, is that
-- i have to load the 2 files on two arrays
For compare the 2 arrays...
Thank to everybody
I have visual basic 5 but this is not a big proble.
I look the link from JonWm but.. it does not work very weel, but is good sujest
I'm looking for a good algorithm for comparing two text files and find the lines inserted and/or deleted.
On tso mainframe this function is called SUPERC
For Unix is called DIFF.
I found som sample in C or Java but are very complicated for me.
Someone could hel me?
Thanks to everybody
I'm trying to develop an editor for different languages and, like the editor of visual basic, i would like to color different groups of instructions with different colors.
I though about ... use HTML but I think that probably there is some OCX that can help me.
I saw that some programs use...
I need to pass some data (string) from one program to another.(and viceversa)
I tried with ShellExecute but it seems is not possible to pass more then 400 bytes (inside the lparam).
Reading and searching I saw that the best way is working with activex and class... but for me is a new...
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