I have noticed that when I start up my system in Windows 2000 I have to re-enter my password to all the different drives that I have mapped. On Windows 98 machines this does not happen. Can anyone please tell me how I can prevent it from asking each time so that I can log straight in.
I am trying to set up a Brother HL1250 nwetworked printer but once installed it will not print. When I go to print a test page I get the following error message:- Test Page failed to print at this time, would you like to view the troubleshoot. I have gone through everything and nothing has...
Hi Thanks for the reply.
A friend of mine supports XP PC's at a school. He wants to shut off profiles because the amount of different students using them they could end up with hundreds. Ideally he wants to be able to boot up straight into the screen.
Dear Sue,
I was wondering if you could please answer one more question for me. I have tried your first option for deducting the stock by creating the macro you suggested but instead of deducting the stock, it creates a new record which ends up - the figure the branch has ordered. The original...
I need to write a formula to do the following:-
Field 1 = Qty in Stock
Field 2 = Qty Branch Ordered.
I need the qty in the Qty in Stock field to go down when a branch orders the stock from Qty Branch Ordered.
Hope the above makes sense, I am new to this.
We are experiencing problems all of a sudden importing address book into Outlook Express.
The following error occurs:
An error has occured unable to complete this process.
Does anyone know why this has started all of a sudden.
We have recently started getting errors on our Novell network when trying to print. When selecting the networked printer port we get the following error message:-
Please specify a valid port to print to.
Everyone else on the network are OK just random PC's are not working all of a sudden...
I have installed the TCPIP driver. I installed a completely new network card as this error was coming up previously. The same error is now occuring with the new network card.
I am getting the following TCP ip error message:-
Unable to initialise windows sockets interface error code 0.
I have changed the network card and the same error appears so cannot conect to internet.
Please help..
I am getting a failure message when trying to boot. The hard drive detection comes up with failure then a load of garbbled words. I have tried booting it as a slave but no good. Is ther anything else I can do?
We have a problem with our routers connecting and not dropping. The routers are dial on demand but certain branches are having a constant connection.
Is there anything we can do about this, I am waiting to get some Lan anaylizer software but until then we are stuck.
I am unfamiliar with Access and have been requested to create a customer database. I am struggling with one feature which I'm sure would be easy once I know. The Sales Reps want to be able to type in the beginning of a postcode i.e. PO and then click a button which will print off a report...
I currently use PC Anywhere to save my legs when supporting user issues. Does anyone know of a similar software I can use that enables you to tandem to a user but without them knowing. The user knows when you are in with PC Anywhere as it blacks out the screen.
I have a Psion Series 5 and I only recently discovered that you cannot syncronize Outlook emails. The Psion 5MX has this capability but not the 5. I was wondering if anyone new of any EPOC programmers or patches that have been developed unofficially to help with this problem. I have spoke to...
Another alternative is a software product called Hands-Off. The company is called Eye-T. I am a support manager and I found that my support calls and issues have dramatically reduced since using this software. You can configure different levels for different users depending on what access you...
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