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Search results for query: *

  • Users: flaniganmj
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  1. flaniganmj

    Create Record w/ and Catch Identity Value w/ .Net

    I understand and agree. I am looking to convert it. Regards, mjf
  2. flaniganmj

    Create Record w/ and Catch Identity Value w/ .Net

    I use the below often; however, I have been unable to convert it to VB.NET. Mainly, I want to create a new record and capture the int identity record value for further use. Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strcn As String Dim...
  3. flaniganmj

    Proc is locking up...

    what would cause the following to lock up: set nocount on set implicit_transactions on delete from blanca.obu.dbo.tglTrialBalWrk commit transaction and the below works fine: set nocount on delete from blanca.obu.dbo.tglTrialBalWrk is there a server setting that i am missing...
  4. flaniganmj

    Duplicate Records with no Primary Key

    amrita418, I went with the latter - thanks for the work around. mrdenny, I wish I could put a constraint on this particular table, but I need to identify why this is happening first. It is a global temp table that is used for locking when numerous users are accessing a proc (which updates...
  5. flaniganmj

    Duplicate Records with no Primary Key

    There is an existing global temp table that (for arguement sake) cannot be changed. It has many fields, and the combination of two of them should prove represent a unique row. However, it is not inforced. So, occasionally, something like below may 'pop' in: Field 1 Field2 ------- ------...
  6. flaniganmj

    Cmd Object Not Pulling Records...

    The stored procedure pulls records; however, the below ado recordset is coming up with a zero record count. I am not sure what I am missing. Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection Dim adoRec0 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection With cmd...
  7. flaniganmj

    Rounding In Query Analyzer...

    thank you Thanks, flan
  8. flaniganmj

    Rounding In Query Analyzer...

    If a SQL Server 2000 table looks like this: PK Value -- ------ 1 3.6456 where PK=int and Value=decimal(15,4) Why would... select Value Value0, Convert(varchar(20),Value) Value1 from table where PK=1 ...return the following in Query Analyzer... Value0 Value1 ------...
  9. flaniganmj

    File Import and Processing

    I think this may be kinda what you are looking for... If you are trying to get this all into sp's, these three code secs should do the trick. This first part simply examine as directory -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- script temp table...
  10. flaniganmj

    BULK INSERT LF Rowterminator

    I have also recently run into this problem. Were you able to find a solution? mf
  11. flaniganmj

    DTS and ActiveX VBScript

    Dim adoConn Set adoConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") adoConn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;" & _ "Data Source=SERVER;" & _ "Initial Catalog=DB;" & _ "Integrated Security = SSPI;" Thanks, flan
  12. flaniganmj

    Insert line object on command...

    Is it possible to add a line or rectangle to a form on command? I need to insert a variable number of lines as a user applies parameters. MF
  13. flaniganmj

    Hex to Dec and Oct to Dec.....

    Howdy, Is there a built in function, or even an add-in, to allow me to convert hexadecimal to decimal, i.e. 5F to 95? I also need to convert Oct to Dec. Any help is greatly appriciated. flan
  14. flaniganmj

    OPENROWSET error / OLE DB Provider error

    Howdy, How do I find out what OLE DB provider I have in Access? I am trying to use the OPENROWSET function on a very small table in Access 2002. Looks like this: ************************ SELECT tst.* FROM OPENROWSET ( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', '\\path\path\stores.mdb';'un';'pw'...
  15. flaniganmj

    Pull second record of an ordered set....

    Howdy, How can I pull (SQL) the second record of an ordered set? Example: Vendor Invoice No 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 I need have return something like this: Vendor Invoice No 1 2 2 5 Any help? flan
  16. flaniganmj

    Validation Rule - is this one possible???

    Make this change: ******************************** ' Private Sub myControl_AfterUpdate() ' Dim i As Integer Dim myTemp As String ' For i = 1 To Len(Me.myControl) ' If Asc(Mid(Me.myControl, i, 1)) > 64 And Asc(Mid(Me.myControl, i, 1)) < 91 Then myTemp = myTemp...
  17. flaniganmj

    Round Function Question......

    That's what I'm looking for! Thanks, flan
  18. flaniganmj

    Round Function Question......

    I store pricing data with 3 decimals. And every one that ends in 5, i.e. 1.655, doesn't round up, as it should. Six through 9 rounds up and 0 through 4 rounds down. This been one of those things, where you think back to how many reports went out incorrect. Very scary. I have researched this...

Part and Inventory Search
