Try creating a test cfm page that just does a generic query against the database, using the datasource name you set up in the admin, not the variable #DB_SOURCE#. Does it connect? Then it's a problem in your code, with the variable DB_SOURCE not being set correctly on the production server.
The cfcache tag in ColdFusion 8 cannot cache page fragments, unfortunately. As of CF 9, it DOES handle that, however, which is nice.
One caching custom tag I know of is cf_scopecache:
I am not sure if it will solve your problem but it won't hurt to give it a...
Do you have "Save class files" checked under the Settings section in the CF Administrator? Uncheck it. On that page you can also clear the template and component caches (scroll further down on that page).
In addition, I'd run Disk Cleanup on your server (right-click the drive, properties...
It's my guess (which I can only do based on the lack of code) that one or more of your dates are not valid ones. As you loop over the data in your CSV file, output the date field to the screen before each database insert. As soon as you hit an invalid date, you'll get an error and see the...
You can try:
Delete table1,table2,table3,table4
FROM table1,table2,table3,table4
Where table1.Id = table2.Id
AND table1.Id = table3.Id
AND table1.Id = table4.Id
AND status = 'D'
I think the cfmailpart tags are overriding the type attribute that you have set to "text". You could try setting it to "plain", but I think what you'll have to do is put a cfif around the cfmailpart that renders the HTML content so it doesn't get called in specific situations where you want to...
Farther down in the docs it does mention all of the path types you can use, including relative and absolute. I assume you, bombboy, are the one who commented at the bottom of the page about the error.
So, you are using CFMX 6.1 and NOT getting an error, but if the wrong drive is being returned...
Actually, you CAN start at the web root with ExpandPath():
The "\" returns the absolute path starting at the root of the web site.
Or you could return the date, already formatted, from SQL Server:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10),dateField,101) AS dateField
This will return every column named dateField that is a datetime or smalldatetime in the format "mm/dd/yyyy". Look up the CONVERT function in SQL Server Books Online to see...
Maybe I am not understanding you, but...
Say I pick the 1st of each month to send out expiration reminders. I send reminders for all accounts that are due to expire within 30 days. What about the accounts that expire 31 days from the day I am sending the email out? Since any day...
Check out the cfsavecontent tag. Wrap all the data that gets output to Excel in this tag. Then use the CFFILE tag to write that content to a file. After this you can use the code I posted a few messages back to push the file to the browser. Just remember to add the DELETEFILE attribute to...
How about a BIT field (1 or 0) called wasNotified? Update it to 1 (TRUE) after the notification email goes out.
When you select the customers to email notifications to, do a WHERE wasNotified = 0 in your query to weed out the people who were notified already.
You might end up having to write it to a temp file, then, and use the deletefile attribute of the cfcontent tag for easy cleanup. Can you paste the code you are using to push the data to the user?
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" VALUE="attachment; filename=myexcelfile.xls">
<cfcontent type="Application/" file="x:\myexcelfile.xls">
If you still have problems, it might be the browser you are using. Some do not play well with filenames.
DeZiner is right, but you want to use ListFind(FORM.q1,"2") instead of ListContains(). ListContains() would return TRUE if you had a list of "1,3,12", since it looks for items that CONTAIN a "2" character.
I remember writing something like that a year or so ago. I called it PKCache (Primary Key Cache), but I never finished it. It does exactly what you described, webmigit. I never tried it out in production. The most important thing about caching is knowing when and when not to do it. With...
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