The database I am designing will be run on the company server and certain client machines will have access to it.
I am informed that when the client runs the database the date will be pulled from their machine, does anyone know a set of commands that will make access get the date from the...
Good News
Thats works :)
Bit anoying that the other thing doesn't work as expected, as I'm sure I will need to use it at some later date. Oh well if it doesn't work I will have to accept it and figure a way around.
Thank you so much for all your help, and sticking with it instead of...
I put a watch on all of the lines of code including the checkforduplicatedamageid() function and it steps through just as you would expect it to.
It does not go to any other functions or procedures I'll post below exactly what I have
Private Sub damageid_AfterUpdate()
I put that in and get this error.
Run-time error '3797'
The application cannot change the ActiveConnection property of a Recordset object with a Command object as its source
this is the line it highlights for debugging
objRS.Open objCmd, objCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Sorry for turning...
Ok now I just feel thick :)
What is a dynaset and how do I change it to one?
Also changed it to return false just to make the 2 sub commands get called and it still doesn't setfocus to the damageid field.
I only started programming in VB 2 weeks ago so don't think I'm doing 2 bad...
I knew you would comment on my horrendous coding :).
Thank you for taking the time to rearrange it all for me. It is appriciated.
I knew when I was doing it that I needed to make it return a vaule as you did, but sometimes I just get lazy and do it the quick way, basically so I don't have to...
Craig thank you for the quick answer
I have done that and it still goes on to the next tab in the order
I'll put the code I have below
Private Sub damageid_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Function checkforduplicatedamageid()
recordexists = 0
Set con =...
I need to be able to change the current tab index, while the database is running.
For Example
When a Afterupdate is called from the user either tabbing or clicking on another field, if they have entered wrong information I want the tabindex to be set back to the incorect field so they can...
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