I need to produce a report based on the 3 field: ID, Date, Activity. It need it to look like the example below. I have worked for hours to no avail. I have tried Pivot tables, which return the ID and the date information OKAY; however, I don't need totals. I have tried Crosstab query...
Hi there. You may want to consider converting your hours into a decimal and then divide. The formula would be similar to the following: (Hour([Field Name]))+(ROUND(Minute([Field Name])/60,1)). If your hours are 4:30, this would return 4.5 and allow you the ability to divide. I use this as...
Each month, I create 700 different .pdf files based on 7 different Access Reports. I print my Reports to the Acrobat Distiller and manually extact each page to an individual file, which is then manually e-mailed. IT TAKES ME HOURS....I send 7 different pages to each employee. Is there any way...
I need to create a report that lists each day of each month as a column heading; an employee name as a row heading; and more than one activity for each day of the month under the specfic day the activity took place. I have tried everything. I currently have a query that lists all of this...
I deal with pay issues and have a report that if I put in an ID number, I can get one employee's paperwork, if I click OK, I get all. I need to open this report, get all paperwork, then export to separate .pdf files. I have very little experience and don't even know where to begin. I would...
I need to stop edits on a field in a form where data entry people place their initials. Once the initials are input, I do not what the field to allow edits; however, when I try to use the me.allowedits, it stops edits on the entire form.
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