suppose you have a db2 server with tcipip# and a db2instance listening to port 50000. There is a database called mydbase running under control of that instance. You need te access that database by means of ODBC.
It is just 3 simple lines, just do not forget to execute them in the...
I use this syntaxselect empno
, sex
, salary
, case when sex = 'F'
then salary * -1
else salary
end as sort_col
from employee
order by sort_col
Nonsence example, but when you replace "sex = male/female" by some kind of "debit/credit" code it...
Try this syntax
select *
from table ( select empno as xx
, salary as monthly_insult
, bonus as robbed_by_banker
from employee
) a
where a.monthly_insult + a.robbed_by_banker > 10000
JDBC/ODBC connectors are not designed for that. You use it to connect to a specific database and that database is the scope. You could try to use the "SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD" for the LIST DB DIRECTORY.
Could you supply more info about the 2 configurations? When you make a backup from the source computer, make sure that it is an uncompressed offline backup!
Do not rely on the control centre too much but try to make your own backup/(redericted) restore scripts.
Believe me, it works, but the...
Sounds over-complex to me. Are there many non-cobol routines?
If not: Just compile to "*.int" modules on your windows development machines, on the aix compile the "*.int" into "*.gnt" and just execute the "*.gnt"s.
All your sources and copybook can remain on the windows environment. I do not...
pre-compile, compile. linkedit & bind. Life as usual for a mainframe programmer. But when you want that to work in the outside world..
The ingredients are there:
O.S.: linux
DBMS: DB2 express C
compiler: open-cobol
All for free and yes: DB2 still carries the cobol-pre-compiler. The link/edit...
Hmmm... The topic-starter mentiones .IDX files, so the organization is indexed. This leaves record-length and record layout.
Just trail&error until you can retrieve a whole record and then analyse the hexadecial structure:
PIC X fields should be readable in normal format
PIX 9 packed-deciaml...
Whenever you must access MF files from another language than MFCobol, you can call the MF I/O routines separately.
This module is called extfh (
Remember: "backup is for dummy's, restore is for pro's"
So, what is your recovery stratigy? Do you have a dedicated database server? How fast can you re-build that server and restore the database? How well did you secure your backup-images and transaction log files?
Did you test? How long did...
The same syntax as used in "create table":
INOUT1 char (3)
INOUT2 char (3) NOT NULL
So every paramteter which is nullable should be called with the indicator variable. No difference with tables.
Sane coding standards:
next sentence and end-if are mutual exclusive in 1 line,
even better in 1 section
even better in 1 program.
In the past I had to maintain old '74 programs. In the section were you made you changes it was good habit to convert all IF statements and add END-IF's and take...
You're talking to a database, so talk SQL. Concatenate? Translate that phrase into JOIN or UNION.
Build a SQL query which returns the result you request. Then use that same SQL in your export statement.
I'd go for the command-line. Google for "IMPORT" or "LOAD". I'm sure it can be done using stored-procedures, but why the <beep> should you, being a novice in DB2?
It can be done with static SQL. You should realize that
where x in ('1','2','3')
andwhere x in ('1','2','3','1','1','1','1','1')
generate the same result. DB2 performance does not suffer.
This means that you can code like this
01 w-group.
49 w-gr-01 pic x(1).
49 w-gr-02 pic x(1)...
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