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Search results for query: *

  1. Monkeygumbo

    Optional Parameters

    Dynamically create the cursor structure? How do you do that?
  2. Monkeygumbo

    Optional Parameters

    Will that also select records with a group_id that is NULL?
  3. Monkeygumbo

    Optional Parameters

    Hi, My procedure accepts one parameter, group_id. But its optional. If its left NULL, the program has to process all records. If it has a value, the program process all records with a group_id = the value. I'm using a cursor that accepts the parameter currently... CURSOR...
  4. Monkeygumbo

    Pass ROWID into a procedure...

    Thanks guys!
  5. Monkeygumbo

    Pass ROWID into a procedure...

    Hi, In PL/SQL can I pass ROWID into a procedure? If I can, what variable type should i use in the declaration of the procedure? PROCEDURE insert_info (p_rowid IN ??????) How can I fill in that blank? Thanks, MG
  6. Monkeygumbo

    Quick ? - Master/Slave on cable effects performance

    80 wire cables? I'm not sure what you mean. A different ribbon cable? How much better is performance after this upgrade?
  7. Monkeygumbo

    Quick ? - Master/Slave on cable effects performance

    Actually, I have four IDE devices. Two HDs and two CDRWs. Here's the current setup... Primary IDE- Master...120GB HD (on middle connector of cable)(jumpered as master) Slave...8x8x24 CDRW (on end of cable)(no jumper) Secondary IDE- Master...52x24x52 CDRW (on end of cable)(no jumper)...
  8. Monkeygumbo

    Quick ? - Master/Slave on cable effects performance

    In terms of performance, does it matter which connector the master or slave device is connected to on the ribbon cable? On my primary IDE i have a HD on the end connector and a CDRW on the middle connector. The HD sets up as Master and the CDRW as Slave. I'm not losing on performance here...
  9. Monkeygumbo

    Value error on procedure execution

    Hey everybody, I'm new to Oracle. I just wrote a rather lengthy procedure to insert records into Oracle open interface tables....the procedure compiles, but delivers the following error when executed: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at...
  10. Monkeygumbo

    Not running server side scripts

    The problem is that the file will eventually be put on a simple, non-asp server.
  11. Monkeygumbo

    Not running server side scripts

    Guys, I have a copy of my college's webpage (every file) on my local computer. It uses mainly html and some javascripts. I can view the website on the college server just fine. I'm trying to host the webpage from my computer using IIS to view the changes I'm making to it. However, when I...
  12. Monkeygumbo

    Not running server side scripts

    Guys, I have a copy of my college's webpage (every file) on my local computer. It uses mainly html and some javascripts. I can view the website on the college server just fine. I'm trying to host the webpage from my computer using IIS to view the changes I'm making to it. However, when I...
  13. Monkeygumbo

    Movies playing in I.E.

    For some reason I cannot get movies to open in media player, outside of internet explorer. I cant find the option to correct this. On intial install it asks if you want to play movies inside IE. I checked No, but it does it anyone. It may have something to do with installing DivX codec...
  14. Monkeygumbo

    Mainmenu not visible at runtime

    This is probably an easy one, but my MainMenu object does not appear at runtime. And only appears when I click on it in the lower box, during desgin time. Any thoughts? Thanks MG
  15. Monkeygumbo

    ADO Connection.execute ...Times Out

    I work for a large insurance firm. I've seen some of their stored procedures run over hour. I'm just about to graduate and learned everything I know on this system. I didn't question the procedure's efficency. Some of their DTS packages move over a million records... In the scheme of...
  16. Monkeygumbo

    ADO Connection.execute ...Times Out

    excuse me....before a connection is open
  17. Monkeygumbo

    ADO Connection.execute ...Times Out

    I believe that this property is set perform a connection is open and determines the timeout time when establishing a connection. It doesn't appear to affect .execute
  18. Monkeygumbo

    ADO Connection.execute ...Times Out

    My connection objection doesn't have that property.....
  19. Monkeygumbo

    ADO Connection.execute ...Times Out

    Hi, Here's my code: strSql = "Execute dbo.spStoredProc '123456'" objConnection.Execute strSql This returns a timeout error while executing. The server is Sql Server. When I run the Sql string in Query Analyzer, it runs fine but takes 6 minutes. Is there a way to increase the...

Part and Inventory Search
