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Search results for query: *

  1. dusanv

    Cannot save changes to IMPORT SPECIFICATION

    Rick, this is what happens: I open an existing import specification via the wizard. Then I do my edits. Then I hit "Save As". As soon as I do that, you can see Access "scrolling" through the import spec fields and when it's done, my edits are gone! At this point, I can...
  2. dusanv

    Cannot save changes to IMPORT SPECIFICATION

    Thanks for your replies. johnnymac43: I checked the permissions for MSysIMEXColumns and all changes were allowed. RickSpr: I didn't observe that numeric suffix is added to the specification name once edited and then saved, but I did observe that SpecID value in MSysIMEXSpecs table increases...
  3. dusanv

    Cannot save changes to IMPORT SPECIFICATION

    I have an import specification for importing a fixed width text file. The record layout of this file changed and I'm trying to update the import specification. I am able to edit the specification (add and rearrange fields), however, when I hit the save button all my modifications are...
  4. dusanv

    Executing a Stored Procedure from a View

    Yes, supplying the database name solved the problem. The stored procedure is in the same db as the one I'm creating a view in, so I didn't think supplying a database name was not neccessary. Thanks.
  5. dusanv

    Executing a Stored Procedure from a View

    Hello, I tried to follow a workaround from some book for executing sp's from a view and created a linked server entry called LOOPBACK on my server that refers back to itself. Then I tried to create a view that has this statement: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LOOPBACK,'EXEC dbo.sp_test') However...
  6. dusanv

    Can I run a report or query on unlinked tables

    Union query will fail if you try to combine two tables or queries that don't have the same number of fields. So, my suggestion is to make a query for each table pulling only the desired fields. If you want to pull a field from Products table that does not exist in your Import table, then you...
  7. dusanv

    Can I run a report or query on unlinked tables

    You can use a UNION query that would look something like this: SELECT * FROM CurrentProducts UNION SELECT * FROM PlannedProducts; This is assuming both of your tables have similar fields. Hope this helps, Dusan
  8. dusanv

    Transferring Import/Export specifications from one db to another

    That sorted me beautifuly -- thanks Ben
  9. dusanv

    Transferring Import/Export specifications from one db to another

    Hello, Is there a way to transfer Import/Export specifications from one Ms Access database to another? Thanks, Dusan
  10. dusanv

    Table Password Protected

    As far as I know, there is no way to password-protect an Access table. What you need to do is setup user-level security for your database. With this method, you can control which objects certain classes of users would be able to access. Go to Tools/Security and try playing with User-Level...
  11. dusanv

    Max Function

    Read that "MyTable" instead of "Table1"...
  12. dusanv

    Max Function

    If you really have only 4 columns for which you need to find a highest score, you can use nested IIF statements below: High Score...
  13. dusanv

    MAX function not working?

    That didn't work either...your query would return only the 6/8 records so filter <6/8/2002 will return null. The only way I figured how to do this is to: 1. Create a query that will filter according to specified criteria. 2. Create another query that uses the query above and apply MAX to...
  14. dusanv

    MAX function not working?

    Darrylle, I took out the MAX from query and it did return 6/3/2002 record for 123456789 SSN (because 6/3 IS earlier than 6/8). I still think MAX is executed first and then the results are filtered according to specified criteria. I'm wondering if there is a way to reverse this order of...
  15. dusanv

    MAX function not working?

    Consider the following table: SSN Record Name Member EffDate ENREFFDT 123456789 GCRDEVNT WORK 6/6/2002 20020603 123456789 GCRDEVNT WORK 6/8/2002 20020608 555555555 GCRDEVNT WORK 5/8/2002 20020603 555555555 GCRDEVNT WORK...
  16. dusanv

    Exporting Message Rules in Outlook Express

    The &quot;other way&quot; worked excellent...because I only wanted to import the message rules and leave everything else intact in my new instance of OE (including the GUID), I exported only the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{GUID}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0\Rules\Mail key. Then I...
  17. dusanv

    Exporting Message Rules in Outlook Express

    Does anyone how to transfer existing Outlook Express message rules to the instance of Outlook Express on another machine without doing it manually?
  18. dusanv

    View that is parsing out a column

    fluteplr , thanks for pointing me in the right direction -- I do run SQL 2000 so I will give your approach as shot. However, I will have to expand on it considerably because my problem is more complex than the simplified example above: I cannot count on field name/value pairs to be in any order...
  19. dusanv

    View that is parsing out a column

    Hello, I have a table that would look like this simplified: EmpId Data 1 Name|Dusan|Title|Programmer| every odd token in Data column string is a field name, and every even one is a field value. So, Name=Dusan, Title=Programer. What I need to do is create a View...
  20. dusanv

    Concatenation/Bookmark Lookup/Constant Scan

    Our custom application is running very inefficiently on the SQL server. After doing execution traces, we found the following trace as the most expensive (always the same trace but with different parameters): Execution Tree -------------- Top(1) |--Concatenation...

Part and Inventory Search
