In order to understand what's really happening in memory when I create classes, add functions, have derived classes, etc., I would like to see the memory layout of my objects. I was told I could use breakpoints or output the memory, but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what to do (and...
Hi again, thanks for the replies. The file "index.htm" itself has only the script automatically generated by EON. My script to read/write/execute the files is actually within the simulation that gets loaded by the script in "index.htm", and hence is not seen by anyone...
Thanks for responding, let me see if I can make my problem more clear.
I am indeed using VBScript, but I neglected to mention that it is within a program called EON Reality. This is a program for creating 3D simulations, and these simulations can be deployed via the web. I can use VBScript to...
Hi, I'm using a VBScript to run a .EXE file, as well as write to and read from text files, and it runs smoothly from my hard drive. I would like to get this project working on a website, but have not been successful in my various attempts. Although the error message I've been getting is empty...
i would like to be able to run a program (.exe) that is on the web from a vbscript in the same directory. if this is possible, how might i do it?
right now i am running the program through vbscript on the computer, using
WshShell.Run "cmd /C D: & CD \users\kim\henry\ &...
thanks everyone for your help!
i will be away from the project for the weekend, but as soon as i get back i will try that, and let you know how it goes. thanks again!
the complete path is "D:\users\kim\henry\pos_predic.exe"
however when cmd.exe opens, it starts in the directory
"D:\Program Files\EON Reality\EON 3.0\EON Base"
unfortunately that is also not working.
i get cmd.exe opened with
D:\Program Files\EON Reality\EON 3.0\EON Base>
that is all the vbscript does.
i myself can type "cd ..\..\..\..\users\kim\henry"
to change directory, and "pos_predic.exe" to execute the program, but the code...
ok, i am definately really close to having this working. using "cmd /d" i get the shell, but because of the program i'm working in (EONReality), it starts in the directory "program files\eon reality\eon 3.0\eon base". do you know an easy way to change it to...
could it be a problem that there are two hard drives, d:\ might not be the default... do i need to change directory in the shell, and if so how can i do that?
just a thought, thanks again anybody.
thank you for the tips, but the problem still arises. the wierd thing is, i see the shell flash as if the program executed when it was supposed to, but the values in the written file don't change as they should. yet as i said before, when i double click on the .exe program, it runs and changes...
i am trying to run a program(.exe) from vbscript in EONReality, but i'm having a problem. i don't get any error message and it appears to work correctly, but i can tell the program isn't executed because it would write to a file. there is no problem with the program itself; when i execute it...
I'm using VBScript in a program called EON Reality and I want to call a FORTRAN program with some inputs. (The FORTRAN program will write to a file that I will then read.) I was wondering how, if it's possible, can I call a FORTRAN program with some inputs in VBScript?
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