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Search results for query: *

  1. Sajuks

    https lock not visible

    Hi there, i defined an SSL Connector on port 8448 and when i view https://localhost:8448 i see the tomcat greeting page with the ssl lock properly visible. I've created a web appln folder and if i now go to https://localhost:8448/myfolder it asks me for the secuirty certificate reject ot not...
  2. Sajuks

    Get value to the right of the decimal point.

    Hi there, Select 10/11 from dual returns 0.909 What i would like to get using a single select is the value "909" . TIA Regards
  3. Sajuks

    Apache redirect newbie question

    Hi there, The appln is goinf to be accessed within the network only. And yes since port 80 is being used by another server, we have used port 8200. Am still not clear about how can i by changing the DocumentRoot directive achieve this: when i type http://in523:8200 it should open...
  4. Sajuks

    Apache redirect newbie question

    Hi all, We have got apache web server configured at Port 8200. ServerName IN523.XYZ.COM In apache httpd.conf file what change will i have to do so that when i type http://in523:8200 it should open http://in523:8200/cgi-bin/dycgi03.exe/site/
  5. Sajuks

    Environment Variables

    Try this:..... ContextKeyword lcxk_base string ls_Path string ls_values[] this.GetContextService("Keyword", lcxk_base) lcxk_base.GetContextKeywords("path", ls_values) IF Upperbound(ls_values) > 0 THEN ls_Path = ls_values[1] ELSE ls_Path = "*UNDEFINED*" END...
  6. Sajuks

    listbox, move up down, change priority

    try this... <SCRIPT> function outputList(ar, name, size) { var strIDs = &quot;<SELECT SIZE=\&quot;&quot; + size + &quot;\&quot; NAME=\&quot;ro_lst&quot; + name + &quot;\&quot;>&quot; var sel = &quot; SELECTED&quot; for (var i=0;i<ar.length;i++) { strIDs += &quot;<OPTION &quot; + sel +...
  7. Sajuks

    PB 6.5 and sending e-mail

    For BCC ---------- The RecipientType attribute is of the mailRecipientType enumerated type. The values for this enumerated type are mailTo!, mailCC!, mailOriginator!, and mailBCC!. The suffixes stand for the following: To--The recipient of the message CC--The addressees receive carbon copies...
  8. Sajuks

    PB 6.5 and sending e-mail

    You can use, mMsg.Recipient[1].name = &quot;testname@yahoo.com&quot;. No need to configure Pb.
  9. Sajuks

    PB 6.5 and sending e-mail

    Hi there, Check the MAPI commands in pb. available in the help file. EX: mailSession mSes mailReturnCode mRet mailMessage mMsg // Create a mail session mSes = create mailSession // Log on to the session mRet = mSes.mailLogon(mailNewSession!) IF mRet <> mailReturnSuccess! THEN...
  10. Sajuks

    PFC - Lost in space

    try www.pfcguide.com The pfc example with powerbuilder setup should get you started in the right direction. Saju
  11. Sajuks

    CONNECT method

    Hi there, You can use If sqlca.sqlcode = 0 then //success else //error check end if
  12. Sajuks

    opened window problem

    Nope sorry. Maybe someone else will.
  13. Sajuks

    opened window problem

    Hi vbkris, It should work if am using a frameset, its a workaround. True this wont work if am not using a frameset as mentioned in the url which i've posted. I checked it out. Regards
  14. Sajuks

    opened window problem

    can u post your code so we can look at it .
  15. Sajuks

    opened window problem

    Sorry forgot to add this link for further ref http://developer.irt.org/script/272.htm Regards
  16. Sajuks

    opened window problem

    Check if this works for you..... <HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;><!-- function openWindow() { if (!window.window2) { // has not yet been defined window2 = window.open('apage.html','windowRef','width=100,height=100'); } else { // has...
  17. Sajuks

    Blink title bar on load complete

    Hi thete, In MSN explorer when you click on compose to send a mail and then browse across some other site in another instance on the explorer, you can see the blink effect. I thought that this was done using javascript. Thanks for any help Saju
  18. Sajuks

    Blink title bar on load complete

    Hi all, When my page loads completely i want to blink the titlebar to get the users attention. I'm assuming that the user has opened a new web page or minimized my application. How could i go about this ? TIA Saju
  19. Sajuks

    How can my Window application always &quot;on top&quot;?

    hi, try using SetPosition() function for the frame window . framewindow.SetPosition(TopMost!). the other way would be to use an external function like SetWindowPos(long hwnd, long hmode, int ix, int iy, int cx, int cy, ulong flags) LIBRARY &quot;USER32.DLL&quot; HTH Regards
  20. Sajuks

    EAServer Error - 'Unable to find Java class 'GetClassInfo'

    just an sfterthought in default java settings chnage the java vm settingset to &quot;Sun java Vm 1.2&quot;

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