Could someone pls help to advise how can i go about resolving this error msg:
"Server xxxx: SJI Failure (0x 7): Invalid slot address"
It seems that the autochanger cannot read any tape from this slot. The tape in slot 7 was faulty and i have make a replacement. However, i...
I have switched the Client Network utility to the default named pipes, however, i still encounter intermident "General network error". It happens quite frequently. Can i know anyone has any solution to resolve this??
The detail error msg is:
onApplicationException - [DBMSSOCN]...
I am using Networker 6.1 for Compaq Proliant servers. Currently, when i need to mount a tape, after i have inserted the tape into the tape drive, i need to access the software to manually mount or unmount the tapes. Would like to know if this process can be automated. There is no need to...
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