Hello,<br><br>I have an question about odbc. I have made an invoice system in MS Access<br>and a sales relations system in Visual Fox Pro. I have connected those two by an remote view<br>Visual Fox Pro. At home (where I develop, I am a dutch student) works the connection fine.<br>But when I have...
Hello,<br><br>I am dutch student that makes databases to pay for his study.<br>I have a question about a dropdownlist. <br>I am currently developping an sales-relation system in Foxpro. Everytime when an company is selected in a form, an sql selection searches the contactpersons from that firm...
Hello,<br><br>I want to place an insert statement into my remote view that is connected with a acces database.<br>The code functions but after the insert -statement get an error with the description connection factuur2 is busy<br>(error 1541). <br><br>I don't know how to solve this...
Hello,<br><br>I have three questions about odbc <br>First some information : I have made an odbc link between an visual fox pro relation sales system and an accesss<br>Invoice system. The odbc link works fine.<br><br>My first question is (see *) <br>How can I make this statement correct, so that...
Hello,<br><br>I am an dutch student who earns for his study money with developping databases in Ms Acces and <br>Visual Fox Pro. <br>A few years ago I have developped an invoice systemin MS Acces, at this moment am I developping an <br>Sales relation system in Visual Foxpro. These two systems...
Hello,<br><br>I have three questions about odbc (Robert Bradley, maybe you can help me).<br>First some information : I have made an odbc link between an visual fox pro relation sales system and an accesss<br>Invoice system. The odbc link works fine.<br><br>My first question is (see *) <br>How...
Hello,<br><br>I am a 25 year old dutch student who earns money for his study by developping databases.<br><br>Two years ago i have made an invoice system in Ms Acess.<br>Now i am already finisched with developping an sales relations system in Visual Fox Pro. But I have some problems with...
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