I've been asked to enable access to office email on some PDAs (HTC Diamonds). It doesn't work when I try to configure it.
Due to that size of the organisation, ther's only one server hosting Exchange and RDP.
After a search, the only thing I've come up with is that in Exchange properties the...
What problems have you had running Task Scheduler?
I ran a complex suite of scripts for over a year that were fired-up by Task Scheduler (on W2k Server) at various times of the day - including a script that ran every 30 minutes) without one glitch.
The Task Scheduler route would seem the...
Hi there jjmf.
Lucky you for being lumbered with Act!!
A Google search for vbscript tutorial returned 147000 hits. If I might suggest - this is a good start.
I knew nothing about vbscript & wsh a few months ago but using the huge resources available on the intarweb I've been able to write...
I had the same problem trying to run WinZip from a script.
I found that removing ".exe" from the string caused it to work?
cmdLine = "winzip32 -min -a -ex " & faxDone _
& Replace(file, ".ctl", ".zip") & " " & "@" & faxDone & file
'Update the ACCESS print log database
Sub UpdateDataBase( lfName )
Dim db, objTF, myRow
Set db = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Grot\My Documents\FaxPrint.mdb" & ";"
spazman, thanks - that's the conclusion I'd come to.
Just out of interest, how come when I FTP a file down with CuteFTP it retains the server date/time?
Is there any way of changing a file's last modified date/time?
I'm FTPing files and would like to reset the date stamp to what it was on the FTP server.
OK then, from what you say the qualified cmdline should read:
"winzip32 -min -a -ex G:/FAXSYSTEM/Fax'_'Done/FAX-2003-05-20.zip G:/FAXSYSTEM/Fax'_'Staging/1457879516'_'35033174320030522174127'_'3.tif"
With all the underscores wrapped in quotes.
OK, dilettante's reply in this question thread329-406772 has started me thinking.
We FTP faxes from a remote server, print them and then key the data into an Access database. Currently we use FlashFXP to download the files.
I've just automated the printing side of the process with a script...
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