Table 2 is the final destination.
The data starts in spreadsheets; each spreadsheet contains the same type of data but for different regions.
I load the spreadsheets one at a time - first into table 1 which I completely clear down each time, and then from table 1 into table 2 which contains data...
Hi, I'm trying to set up a monthly import process from an excel file into a temporary table, then update another table from there. I'm having trouble on the import (Transferspreadsheet) because I can't figure out whether or not I need an autonumber, and whether the import will try and collect...
Here's what I'm trying to do - and failing!
I have two fields in the contact table - forenames and middlenames.
I'm trying to write a query to update the entire table as follows...
If the forenames field has only one name, do nothing - leave the middlenames field as it is
If the forenames...
I've hunted around for this but to no avail.
Please could someone tell me how I get at the name of the PC within VB. i.e the machine name. I want the program to behave differently if it's working on my own PC rather than the end-users'.
Many thanks
My users are complaining that they have to enter the "/" characters in the date field. Is there an easier way? If I have 3 fields (mm, dd, yyyy) then they'll have to tab.
The calendar idea is quite neat but is there a simple solution for my lazy users?
Their preference is just to type...
I want to have a button on my form which archives records in a table (copies to another table and deletes original) where the date in the record is > 6 months old.
Is it best to use a macro to run a couple of queries, or shall I do this in VBA SQL? Also, how do I calculate '6 months back from...
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