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Search results for query: *

  1. patlim88

    Web Health Console

    Has anyone had any success installing Websphere Heatlh Console into an existing Websphere apllication server.
  2. patlim88

    Tivoli - Where to Start?

    I agree. We have a test network set up with the same scenario. 1 machine serving as the TMR and one as the endpoint. A good idea is to set up a test database on a machine and let it serve as a database server. Also are you using the the new Tivoli Config manager beacuse if so it will install...
  3. patlim88

    tivoli monitoring

    Is there a technical exchange of resource models that anyone knows of or somewhere where you can get basic resource models and build upon them othere than the one tivoli provides
  4. patlim88

    tivoli monitoring

    This is for an Windows NT application. I want to check the java application and see if it is running. The java.exe process is running inside the task manager windows however I was wondering if it would be possible to monitor the threads the application has started. This is a voice application...
  5. patlim88

    tivoli monitoring

    Does anyone have experience setting up monitors for Java stand alone applications.
  6. patlim88

    Showing A Distinct Number

    That worked! Thanks.
  7. patlim88

    Showing A Distinct Number

    I have a combo box that displays everything in field 'BACKGROUPNUMBER'. For example if there is 100 groupnumbers of 20020620052401 and 100 groupnumbers of 20010511231408 when I click on the combo box I see all two hundred numbers. The folowing code illustrates this: procedure...
  8. patlim88

    Saving To A Database

    The above code works! I had an error in my sql. Thanks. Pat
  9. patlim88

    Saving To A Database

    I'm using the following code: procedure TForcedCall.btnSaveClick(Sender: TObject); begin if (Utility.Modified) then CallBackQ.FieldByName('BACKCOMP').NewValue:=Utility.Text; try CallBackUPD.Apply(ukModify); MessageDlg('Update Successful',mtInformation, [mbOK],0); except MessageDlg('Possible...
  10. patlim88

    Saving To A Database

    mgauss: Using a TEdit textbox and changing the code per the above the application is reacting like it did in my first message. Any more ideas? Thanks. Pat
  11. patlim88

    Saving To A Database

    I tried using both approaches above and when I try to save information I get the error message EDatabaseError with message CallackQ: Dataset not in edit or insert mode. CallBackQ:TQuery. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm guessing my SQL is wrong in the TQuery portion. Pat By the...
  12. patlim88

    Saving To A Database

    Hi: I'm trying to save a field to an Access database. I dropped a TQuery and TUpdateSQL with the appropriate SQL statements. The application will compile and run and when i click the save button the app acts like it works but when i check the database the record has not been modified (a...
  13. patlim88

    Filling a combo box with info from a database

    I kept the normal combo box and changed the style property to csDropDownList ... it's working just as i wanted! Thanks!!! Patrick
  14. patlim88

    Filling a combo box with info from a database

    I was using the DBCombo but now that I have changed it to a normal combo, it works. Based on what Steven wrote ... I'll need to use the DBCombo because I cannot let the user change what is being selected in the combo box. Any ideas on how to make the selection show up in the combo box using a...
  15. patlim88

    Filling a combo box with info from a database

    That worked perfectly!!! Thanks! When I select an item in the combo box it doesn't show in the box after I select it. Would you know how to show the selected item? Thanks. Patrick
  16. patlim88

    Filling a combo box with info from a database

    Thanks that worked! The field 'Backindex' has numerous items. At the moment it is only showing 1 record in the combo box when there are 5 records. Would you know how to show multiple records in the combo box? Thanks. Patrick
  17. patlim88

    Filling a combo box with info from a database

    I'm trying to fill a TDBCombo box with information from a database. I have the appropriate SQL query and update in place but when I run the app I get a EDatabaseError with message 'CallBackQ: Field 'BackIndex' not found'. The code below is in place on form create and is the place that is...
  18. patlim88

    Time Picker

    Hi: I chose a DateTimePicker for the GUI I'm creating and was wondering if anyone knows how to make it display in 24 hour format instead of 12 hour format. I'm trying to let the user use a box that displays in 24 hour format so that they don't need to type in the time. Thanks. Patrick
  19. patlim88

    Saving Text To A Folder

    Never mind ... i found the answer. It was SaveDialog1.InitialDir := 'D:\ForcedCall'; Thanks.
  20. patlim88

    Saving Text To A Folder

    Thanks for your reply. I changed the code per your suggestion. The application compiled but when I hit save it still has the project folder as the default. Any more suggestions?

Part and Inventory Search
