I've sent you the tables and a sample pivot report via email to the address at the bottom of your post. Let me know if you have trouble reading/receiving it. Thanks.
Okay; tried the cross-tab solution. It shuts off the report totals and groups totals, but not the summarizing of the test values. I want to print the actual values, not a count of the occurances of those values.
Column Names:
Program Part StartDate TestNameA** TestNameB Etc.
Row Values...
Did you ever resolve this?? I'm having a similar problem. I have the user version and the impuser.exe process does not close when Impromptu is shut down. Each time it runs, more memory is used, like yours, until the PC locks.
I have two SQL tables with most of the report fields on table one. These comprise the rows. The client wants the test name field from table two to display as column headers and the appropriate test results from table two, matched up by datetime stamps found on both tables, to appear under the...
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