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Search results for query: *

  1. smitan

    Is it possible to attach to an existing Database

    Have no experience with Oracle. But suppose it's a matter of Provider. As far as I know you can connect an adp to any provider/datasource, maybe even flat files :-) Find out the provider and having the server running and accessible, your job is easy enough. Good luck. Hans
  2. smitan

    Is it possible to attach to an existing Database

    Little extra: Data Source=<servername>; <servername> this may also be an IP-address or IP-address,portnumber Like: Data Source=123.456.789.123 Data Source=123.456.789.123,1443 In this way i connect to my developDB and to he clientsDB for which I run maintenance. Thanks for the star. Using...
  3. smitan

    Recordsource of form is SP with 2 parameters

    OK, I'll give it another try tomorrow. Thanks. I'll report back to you. Good night.
  4. smitan

    Recordsource of form is SP with 2 parameters

    Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately this does not function the way I want it. I tried it and later did I also read, that this results in the FIRST parm being 'automatic', the next parm results in a question to the user. I solved it by writing my parms to a table with a parmrecord per user...
  5. smitan

    Is it possible to attach to an existing Database

    As I develope for several clients, using the same application I made a little form that has buttons per client database. It is a matter of building the connectstring: ConnectStr="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=<servername>;User ID=sa;Password=<somefunnypassword>;Command Timeout=900;Connect...
  6. smitan

    Recordsource of form is SP with 2 parameters

    SP: ALTER PROCEDURE ysp_Test (@Param1 int, @Param2 int) AS SET NOCOUNT ON Select * From tblTest Where fldA Between @Param1 And @Param2 RETURN Depending on the values of the parms the recordsource of the form has to be set. Using one inputparm is no problem. But how to use more then one...
  7. smitan

    Stored Proc + DateTime params

    Hi Denis, to make the result visible I stored it into a table. Not perfect, but it helps. Found out that my testparameter only was 1 char. Changed it to 10 and the result was a nice query. Added a char(39) around the dates and it works like a dream. Do you have any solution on the PRINT, to...
  8. smitan

    Stored Proc + DateTime params

    Hi again, the actual statement I am using, in a test, is: set @SQL ='select PName, PDate from tblPBase where PDate between 2005/01/01 and ' + convert(varchar,coalesce(@parameter1)) + ' Order By PDate desc' I type the param: '2005/06/06' as, not to have problems in confusing mm with dd...
  9. smitan

    Stored Proc + DateTime params

    Hi Denis, thanks a lot. Good solution for the query text. Unfortunately the query does not give the expected results. Do you have any suggestion how I can see the query text? Tried with print (@SQL) and print @SQL But neither gave any result. Thanks Smitan
  10. smitan

    Stored Proc + DateTime params

    Hi, I try to write a query qith some parameters based on a user record in a table. Select * From tblUser Where UserId=@Param1 This gives the parameters for the rest of the SP. As there are a number of parameters I would rather change the querytext then have many queries. Like: if...
  11. smitan

    Simple SQL stored procedure example with table output parameter ?

    Hi, try this in your SP: Create Table tblTemp(fld1 nvarchar(1000), fld2 integer) And fill the table with Insert Into ..... Good luck Smitan
  12. smitan

    Stored Procedure to count files in a directory

    Hi Jamfool, Still experimenting with SP. Could you please have a look at this one? Select @tbl='tblTemp' + @Param1 Select @SQL = 'Create Table ' + @tbl + '(fld nvarchar(1000)' Execute @SQL Why do I get the message: "Could not find SP 'Create Table tblTempxxx(fld nvarchar(1000)' (xxx is...
  13. smitan

    Stored Procedure to count files in a directory

    Thanks, this gives a good result.
  14. smitan

    Stored Procedure to count files in a directory

    Hi, at the moment i'm using a loop in Access, which counts the files in a directory by using the DIR-statement. This works fine, only time consuming. If Nz(Dir(strPKPath & "*pk.doc")) <> "" Then i = 1 Do Until Nz(Dir) = "" i = i + 1 Loop End If I wonder if I could use a Stored...
  15. smitan

    First free number in a column

    I need to find the first free number in a series of records. Example: tblTabel.Number contains 2000 2001 .... 2010. But number 2004 and 2007 are missing. How do I find this in an easy way. I will make a loop in MsAccess, but that is not the most efficient, when it is about 50.000 records...
  16. smitan

    MsAccess &lt;-&gt; MsOutlook: CreateObject - error

    Thanks, one of these days, I'll reinstall Off2003 again. Maybe my problem is also solved. If not, I have to start all over again. Thanks for the contact. Smitan
  17. smitan

    MsAccess &lt;-&gt; MsOutlook: CreateObject - error

    OK, now I am ready RE-installing the old situation: Off2K + Outlook2003 + MyApplication + Off2003SP1 It's a shame of course, but now everything works as it should. Keep on looking for a solution to install Off2003 (which we paid for and should be running on) again with positiv result. My...
  18. smitan

    MsAccess &lt;-&gt; MsOutlook: CreateObject - error

    Do so on monday. I'll inform Tek-Tips. Have a nice weekend. Smitan
  19. smitan

    MsAccess &lt;-&gt; MsOutlook: CreateObject - error

    I did try a reinstall of my BasicOffice. First after I had done this, I decided to install a separate version of Outlook 2003 on top. I am thinking of removing Off2003, install Off2000 and install Outlook2003 and therefter install Off2003 again. A stupid way of installing, but I have to give it...

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