Thanks for the response, I was wondering if anyone was on this place... :)
I am using an MDB, MS access, Jet 4.0 table (prodata.mdb) with one table (prosingdata) in it. The MDB does not like the %, but uses the * as a wildcard.
However, when I tried your sugestion with a replce for the...
HELP! Please! I have tried and tried...
Can anyone tell me what is rong here? When I view the report I get the ENTIRE DB, not just the data I am requesting in my SQL (below).
* Example of STRING strRST = SELECT Title, Artist, OrderNo FROM [prosingdata] WHERE [Title] LIKE...
(NOTE: 2nd post, 1st was to VB5&6, no response)
I have looked all over. Sad part is I had it working in VB5 before (last year B4 a reload). I am in VB6 now, and I am using the CRW32 curently as my crystal app. (I haev Crystal 7 and 8, but have moved back to the included CRW app as I am...
I have looked all over. Sad part is I had it working in VB5 before (last year B4 a reload). I am in VB6 now, and I am using the CRW32 curently as my crystal app. (I haev Crystal 7 and 8, but have moved back to the included CRW app as I am stumped).
*** PROBLEM: Crystal report (CR) is showing...
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