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Search results for query: *

  1. HyperEngineer

    USB build errors

    Thanks xwb, Sorry about not getting back earlier. Been real busy around here. The USB200.h is not my file. I believe it's a Microsoft file. But I did find out what I did before. I had to add this line to the stdafx.h file: #undef _MP I don't remember where I got that answer. And I...
  2. HyperEngineer

    USB build errors

    I created a new project in VC2008. I added nothing to the code except these statements: extern "C" { #include <usb.h> #include <usbiodef.h> #include <usbioctl.h> #include <usbprint.h> #include <setupapi.h> #include <devguid.h> #include <wdmguid.h> #include <InitGuid.h> } /* This define is...
  3. HyperEngineer

    Updating a Static control

    I have an application that starts a thread. In that thread I open a dialog box in modal mode. Then I try to update a Static control. Here are some code snippets. This is in the main dialog: CTest Test; hTestSequenceThread = (HANDLE)_beginthread(Test.TestSequencer, 0, (void*)this); This is...
  4. HyperEngineer

    Can't write to static edit box from a different thread

    I tried this and it says that I can't use the static keyword on a member function defined at file scope (error C2724). Thanks, HyperEngineer If it ain't broke, it probably needs improvement.
  5. HyperEngineer

    Can't write to static edit box from a different thread

    I want to start a thread then write back to the main dialog to show the progress. It gets lost on the SetWindowText() function. Don't know where it goes. Here is the code: This is in the header file: static unsigned int __stdcall TestProgressTimer(void* arglist); This is the button that...
  6. HyperEngineer

    MessageBox gives exception

    Thanks Salem. That's what I was doing. In another class that was called from the main class, I was doing strange things with strtok_s(). And the program didn't like it. buff = GetCommandLine(); token = strtok_s(buff, &seps1, &next_token); sprintf_s(buff, 128, "%s", next_token); token =...
  7. HyperEngineer

    MessageBox gives exception

    I am using VC++ 2008. I am using MessageBox to give error info to the user. The code compiles fine. But when I run the program it will crash when it tries to display the MessageBox. (I tried MessageBox("This is an error"); MessageBox(_T("This is an error")); AfxMessageBox("This is an...
  8. HyperEngineer

    com3: vs \\.\com3:

    If I use "com3:" for the filename in CreateFile() I get a legitimate handle. If I use "\\.\com3" for the filename in CreateFile() I get an invalid handle value. I'm using VC2008 Standard edition. I thought I could use either one of these filenames. HyperEngineer If it ain't broke, it...
  9. HyperEngineer

    Problem reading from the serial port.

    Using the ClearCommError() I peeked into the rcv buffer. There were 50 bytes. Originally, I thought I was only getting 32, but there actually is 50 bytes. But the ReadFile() function still can't read the port. HyperEngineer If it ain't broke, it probably needs improvement.
  10. HyperEngineer

    Problem reading from the serial port.

    Greg, Thanks for the input, but the timeouts are not necessary in overlapped mode. I'm only getting back 32 bytes and I have the buffers set for 256 bytes. I should be OK there. I know that the data gets to the port. If I put HyperTerminal on it, all the data is recovered. I have to be...
  11. HyperEngineer

    Problem reading from the serial port.

    Hi Greg, The WaitForSingleObject() does not return immediately. It times out. In this case it waits 10 seconds. The third parameter of the CreateEvent() sets the event to the non-signalled state. I believe when I call the ReadFile() function it sets the event to the non-signalled state...
  12. HyperEngineer

    Problem reading from the serial port.

    I'm having a problem reading from the comm port. It is Com3:. When trying to read from the serial port the WaitForSingleObject() times out. Any ideas? Here is my code snipet. HANDLE hCAN; char CAN_Port[64]; DCB dcb; OVERLAPPED olwrite = { 0 }, olread = { 0 }, olstatus =...
  13. HyperEngineer

    Subclassing problem

    There are two forms for the GetDlgItem(). One has one argument and the other has two. But I need the handle of a dialog box first. That is the scanCode handle. Then I could use this to get the handle of the text box control, possibly. But I can't seem to figure out how to get the handle of...
  14. HyperEngineer

    Subclassing problem

    I'm trying to subclass two edit boxes from a dialog box that is not the main dialog box. CEditCode::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { CScan_SN_DLG* scanCode; // dialog with two text boxes CAppDlg* AppVar; // main app dialog // need to get variables from main...
  15. HyperEngineer


    I am using Visual Studio 2008 Standard. The OnChar() function for the dialog box does not exectute. I have two edit boxes and some buttons on the dialog box. How do I get the dialog box itself to have the focus so that the OnChar() function for the dialog box executes? Otherwise, I will have...
  16. HyperEngineer

    View Dialog Box

    I figured it out. It works fine. I opened app.vcproj instead of app.sln. I started a new project, seen what was there, then reopened the app project with .sln instead of .vcproj. Not sure what the differences are, but I won't make that mistake again. HyperEngineer If it ain't broke, it...
  17. HyperEngineer

    View Dialog Box

    I've developed programs in C++ in Visual Studio 6. I know how to view a dialog box. Now I'm at a new company and have been given Visual Studio 2008 standard. Also, I have been given a project. I can see all the files in the Solutions Explorer. I can also see the classes. But I haven't been...
  18. HyperEngineer

    Multiple ports open simulteanously?

    If you want to do it at design time, click on the MSComm control you want to be the first one. Pull up the Properties window. Look for the (Name) property and make it what you want. In this case MSComm1. Then go down the Properties list until you see Index. Make this value 0. Now click on...
  19. HyperEngineer

    Multiple ports open simulteanously?

    Rich, When you set the index property to 0 you created and array. In your code you will have to use: ... MSComm1(0).OnComm ... If you don't use the index for MSComm1 it will give an error that there is the wrong number of arguments. HyperEngineer If it ain't broke, it...
  20. HyperEngineer

    bind socket to NIC.

    Thanks for the reply xwb. I did look at the bind function in MSDN. And I did assign the values to the sockaddr_in structure. But when I try to bind I get the WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL error. Here is the code: CSocketDx::CSocketDx(void* arglist) { m_TelnetPort = (CTelnetGeneric*) arglist...

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