I need to set up a VPN gateway at my parents house in UK.
Dont want to use software on PC as I never know if the machine will be on or not. So looking at VPNrouter / Gateway
Main usage is to trouble shoot the network / machines and mayb a little web surfing (UK IP address)
So far thinking of...
I have a large string (upto 900,000 characters). I need to search it for a given pattern i.e. "The dog sat on the mat" and then work with each part of the string. The string search string can appear in multiple places and I will need to get each sub section of the string.
I thought of using...
I need to be able to call a function depending on the contents of a variable i.e
sMyVar = "Func_To_Call"
call sMyVar
Where the above would call "Func_To_Call". In other languages I could use the eval statement. Can it be done in VB?
I would also like the function to be in a side file that...
I have a workbook that has a number of sheets that each contain named ranges. I want to be able to pull out all the data that is contained within a given named range.
I use the following to return a single cell
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSh As...
I create an IE browser window using the following:
Dim oIE As Object
Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
If oIE Is Nothing Then
LogEntry "Could not invoke Internet Explorer Object"
Exit Function
End If
oIE.Visible = True
Set GetBrowser = oIE
Set oIE = Nothing
I have updated some cells within Excel workbook/sheet but when I issue a Save I get the following message
"A file named RESUME.XLW already exists, do you want to replace it"
My file name is "resource_list.xls" where does the above come from?
Here is my code
I need to detect which OS the perl program is running on. I can not use $os = $ENV{'OS'}; as that returns Windows_NT
Any one know how to detect the correct OS?
I have a script that I use to perform filesystem functions. Is there anyway to check the status that comes back from the call?
I know I could do a check to see that a new file exists after a copy and that the file does not exist after a delete etc, but that seams very long approach...
I have been able to return one cell at a time from excel using
But can I return the whole row into an array?
Also does anyone know how to change the active sheet that the data will be pulled back from.
Thanks for any help
The code below reads a csv that contains a number of lines ie.
The first column is the...
I am reading data from a CSV file and after each read I end up with an array containing the data ie.
I want to be able to create variables that counts the number of times that a certain combination of data is...
I am automating testing of a Network Load Balancing product.
Part of the script needs to get a page from a Virtual IP address that has been setup. Everything is fine if the IP got setup correctly but if not the following bit of code take 15 minutes to execute on my Linux box, which is way to...
I need a way to control a number of machines (Linux and Windows) from a central machine (Windows).
So I am looking for a Client / Server setup. The central machine should be able to issues commands to the other machines (Only require it to talk to one machine at a time).
It should also be...
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