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Search results for query: *

  1. scottsanpedro

    The process cannot access the file

    All sorted. Maybe this will help someone else out. Found another post http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/vbgeneral/thread/2ce1aa19-2875-4511-95f0-ec1c76ec44b2 Towards the end of the post the following is mentioned GC.Collect() I added it to the start of the procedure and for good measure...
  2. scottsanpedro

    The process cannot access the file

    HI all. I am a little stuck on a peocedure. I'm trying to move files once they have been imported into SQL Server. The first file moves correctly, then I get the above error. I know it's something to do with dispose or close but can't get my head around it. Here is the code so far, the main part...
  3. scottsanpedro

    Remote admin Tips

    Hi All, Using SQL 2005. Can anyone give me some pointers in remotely administering a Reporting Services install. I have one site that already has reports running and another that has RS setup but nothing as yet. I have the IP and port setup etc Any pointers would be a great help I have also...
  4. scottsanpedro

    Writing to a DB behind a firewall

    Hi. I would suggest you change the port number of the sql server straight away. So your connection string would use something like 152.541.55.97,1887. Being 1887 the new port. DO NOT USE the default 1443. This would then direct any incoming traffic to that application via the port. You must...
  5. scottsanpedro

    ProgressBar on long query

    Hi. Please can someone help. VB.net 2008 I have long queries running on an app and while the query is running I'm looking for a progress bar to tick away (on timer event) to let the user know something is happening. Each time the query is run the system processes are blocked and the progress...
  6. scottsanpedro

    Remotely Administration

    Thanks for the answer. So presumably I need to configure RS to have the ability to be seen by the outside world? Using SSL etc Then effectively deploy to the external IP address Thanks again Scott
  7. scottsanpedro

    Remotely Administration

    Hi, I wonder of someone would know the answer to the following. I have created a system for a company that uses SQL 2005. They want to use reporting services. In the past I have always VPN or RDP to the computer and with Visual studio I have set up the reports and deployed. I wondered if its...
  8. scottsanpedro

    Extract string

    Thanks guys. I found a really good piece of code that may well help other people. Function ParseTextLinePair(ByVal strSource As String, ByVal strLabel As String) Dim intLocLabel As Integer Dim intLocCRLF As Integer Dim intLenLabel As Integer Dim strText As String...
  9. scottsanpedro

    Extract string

    I am going down the avenue of getting them to copy and paste it into a popup form and then hit a button called 'Add Details'. That will move the data from the textbox to the fields
  10. scottsanpedro

    Extract string

    Hi, I have got email data from outlook that return info from a form entered on the web. I'm looking to extract the data and add it to specific fields on the access database. It loooks like this Name: Mr Ian xxx email: ixxx@tiscali.co.uk Address1: xx, xx Address2: xx Town_City: xx...
  11. scottsanpedro

    SQL Torment

    cheers for the better layout appreciated Scott
  12. scottsanpedro

    SQL Torment

    All sorted out. Got some help from elsewhere. For your interest AND CASE WHEN @StartYear = @EndYear THEN CASE WHEN (DET_PERIODNUMBR >= @StartPeroid AND DET_PERIODNUMBR <= @EndPeroid AND DET_Year = @EndYear) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE...
  13. scottsanpedro

    SQL Torment

    Dear All, I have two queries (Very much shorten for clarity) which I would love to be able to turn to one. Due to accounting years I have a problem where due to spanning years I cannot seem to use the same logic. If the @StartYear and @EndYear are the same I can use the 'AND' clause. If they are...
  14. scottsanpedro

    Pass Through Query and updating on the fly

    Hi, I need to be able to change the properties on a pass through query, in fact a load of them. As you can see, I have the code and all pass through 's get updated correctly. strConnect = "ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=" & ComputerName & ";DATABASE=RUILS_Temp;Uid=" & strUID & ";Pwd=" & strPWD...
  15. scottsanpedro

    Linking and updating exchange contacts

    Dear all, I have been asked if its possible to provide a link between Exchange 2003 and/or Sql Server 2005 / Access 2007. We have a database with contact details in (SQL Server) and wanted to update exchange 2003 with these details regular basis. I can use SSIS, Access VBA, VB.net, anything MS...
  16. scottsanpedro

    Dynamic Connection String

    Yep. That was it. I must of missed that bit. Just for completness if anyone else reads. Item only works singluar Me.Item("HomeConnectionString") = value Many thanks for your time on this. All fun and games! (Now and again) Scott :)
  17. scottsanpedro

    Adding New Tab

    Cheers ZmrAbdulla, I used the my.settings to put the ref in there. Used the on_load event Dim ReturnValue As String() If Len(My.Settings.TabName) > 1 Then ReturnValue = Split(My.Settings.TabName, ",") For Each Str As String In ReturnValue...
  18. scottsanpedro

    Adding New Tab

    Hi, Just getting my head around stuff. I have a small vb.net app. I want to be able to add a new tabpage like so; Dim strTitle As String strTitle = InputBox("Please enter the title for the page", General.ConTitle) Me.TabControlMain.TabPages.Add(strTitle) When I close down the...
  19. scottsanpedro

    Dynamic Connection String

    Hi Kliot, Thanks so much for getting back to me. Here is the code I'm using Partial Friend NotInheritable Class MySettings Public WriteOnly Property RunTimeConnectionString() As String Set(ByVal value As String) My.Settings("HomeConnectionString") = value...
  20. scottsanpedro

    Dynamic Connection String

    HI again, Nearly was what I was looking for. Actually I think it still is but I am getting problems. I have run through the video (BTW I'm using VS 2008) using the following; #If Not Debug Then My.Settings.RunTimeConnectionString = My.Settings.ScottMCECOn #End If...

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