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Search results for query: *

  1. Webwzrd

    Newbie: Help with webservice request.

    You need to change it to this: protected void Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyServices.CIUtilityWs gs = new MyServices.CIUtilityWs(); var result = gs.GetServerTime(); } Set you a break point on the bottom bracket and hover over "result" to see what is...
  2. Webwzrd

    How do you Encrypt .dll file?

    Hello, I was wondering if any one knows how to securely encrypt and decrypt a DLL file? Thanks!
  3. Webwzrd

    How do you binde a dataSet to a DataGridView in windows???

    I am building a windows application and need to bind the data in a dataset to a DataGridView. I keep getting a grey screen. Can someone please help me with this??? Dim ds As New DataSet Dim BS2 As New BindingSource() BS2.DataSource = ds dg1.DataSource = BS2...
  4. Webwzrd

    Help with DataGridView !!!

    No, this is a windows app. Thats why I'm having trouble.
  5. Webwzrd

    Help with DataGridView !!!

    The windows DataGridView dosnt have a DataBinde() Method.
  6. Webwzrd

    Help with DataGridView !!!

    Here is my problem: I have populated my dataset from an XML document. I have verified that the data is in the dataset. I have set the datasource for the databindingSOurce to be " BS1.datasource = ds.Tables(0)" I then set the Datasource for the DataGridView to BS1 And All I still get is a...
  7. Webwzrd

    Does Windows Server 2003 support DotNet applications?

    I want to use vb.net to write some services for our Windows server 2003. Does any body know if Windows Server 2003 supports DotNet applications? Without any major changes to the server that is. Thanks in advance! Webwzrd
  8. Webwzrd

    Wireless Network Data?

    Anyone know how to progmaticly get the information from the wireless network that a computer is connected to ie(SSID, Signal Strength, etc.)? I know that it's possible, but I just can't figure out how to do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Webwzrd

    Setting the page background color progmaticly ?

    Thanks BuilderBum! It's still not working. What Imports are you using at the top of your page? ie(system.web.ui)
  10. Webwzrd

    Setting the page background color progmaticly ?

    I haven't needed to do this in DOT.NET until now. Anyone know how to change the page background color using the code behinde???? I had the folowing code sample, but it dosent seem to work: bodyElement.Attributes("bgColor") = "Gainsboro" I also set the page Body tag to run at server. Any...
  11. Webwzrd

    Traping the Print Command from the browser?

    Anyone know how to trap the browser print command in .NET using VB?????? THought I had it figured out, but I guess not. Any help would be appreciated! :-) Thanks!
  12. Webwzrd

    hide a control when printing the page

    You know....there is such a thing as over kill! :-) Her is how I did it: First I added the following JavaScript to my page: <script language="javascript"> <!-- function PrintMe() { document.Form1.btnSave.style.visibility = "hidden"; window.print(); } //--> </script> Then I...
  13. Webwzrd

    How do I get a list of current session variables ?

    PS: I need the code to execute from the Global.asax.vb page
  14. Webwzrd

    How do I get a list of current session variables ?

    I hope someone can help me with this. I need to get a list of current session variables and their values for each page. I need it for bug tracking. Every thing I have tried has failed. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Bob
  15. Webwzrd

    How do I Accessing the Settings in Web.config from an HttpModule???

    Thanks to both of you! Your help was greatly appreciated. Bob
  16. Webwzrd

    How do I Accessing the Settings in Web.config from an HttpModule???

    I have writen an custom Error Logging HttpModule and successifully added it to the web.config file. the trouble is that I can not seem to pass variables (Keys) to the module. In this case it is a database connection string. This is the code I' using in the web.config file: <configSections>...
  17. Webwzrd

    How can I display an html page inside a windows form?

    I need to be able to display an html page in a windows form, but what control would I use, and how would I use it? Thanks in advance!
  18. Webwzrd

    Title: ASP.NET / C# Question - Insufficient access privilages for ASP.

    Did you set up the folder for Web Sharing ? I have seen this cause issues like your describing. Also, even though you have given the .NET user account accesss to the file, you probably haven’t given the WebUser account access. Hope this helps ! Webwzrd
  19. Webwzrd

    ASP.NET and FoxPro ?

    Can someone please give me an example of a connection string for a fox pro database located on another server? I have tried &quot;\\MyOtherServer\D:\ My.DBC&quot; I keep getting an invalid Path or file name error. I have verified the path several times. Any help would be...
  20. Webwzrd

    VFP connection in ASP.NET

    Could someone please give me a sample of how to connect to a VFP database located on another server using VB.NET ? Thanks in advance! WebWizard

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