Interim answer:<br>Seems there were several problems (and maybe more yet to be discovered!). One was an oleaut problem with reporting, one was there had been a change made to SmartViewerActiveX.asp to work with SSL and someone else had decided that using SSL wasn't necessary and...
barn wrote me with the following suggestions:<br>First thing to check is that the ODBC driver (I assume you to be using ODBC) on the server is the same or later version as the one on the development machine and that it is identically configured to the development ODBC driver.<br><br>Next, be...
It's always best to have a debugger, the step into and step over fuctions, etc., server-side especially, are life savers. But, if you don't have one (for what ever reason) try saving the following code into a seperate file - with an asp or inc extension recommended - and simply <!--#Include...
In the process of the SysAdmin moving our ASP code and Crystal Reports (and pointing to the Production SQL database) from the development environment to the production environment, the Crystal Reports quit working and began providing the following:<br><br>cpeaut32 error '800a5034' <br><br>Can...
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