I have tryed the above and it closes off the Relay but the ISP can not send e-mail in. When you connect to the SMTP port it tells me I can not relay for that recipient. But the recipient is the correct domain name.
Thnak you all
I have done a fresh install of Exchange and I can relay through it. I also know other people that have fresh installs of Exchange and they can relay through it.
If you scan the M drive it does cause problems with the calanders and also if you scan the mdbdata directory and the virus scanner detects a virus it can remove the whole of your exchange setup.
I would sugesst that you just leave Norton for exchange to scan exchange and stop realtime...
Thank you for your response.
There is no banned mail setup on the server. How do I look at the mail messages in the bad mail folder the files are just a row of digits.
Please help,
I have a site where the bad mail folder gets 1000's of bad mail everyday.
I have closed the open relay. I have added SP2 for Windows 2000 and also exchange 2000. I have reinstalled exchange 2000 and this still happens.
Thank you for your help.
kind regards
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