$result is located in the do...while loop. If I'm not mistaken, this will cause all the variables in the first pass to be empty:
do {
print '<td align="left"><li><a href="../barristers/details.php?bar_id=$bar_id"><spa n class=\"text\">'...
I found this (in red) in both queries:
"SELECT * FROM barristers, areas, admissions WHERE (barrsiters.Lst_name LIKE '%$barrister%') OR (barristers.Fst_name LIKE '%$barrister%') OR (admissions.Admission LIKE '%$admission%') OR (areas.Area LIKE '%$area%') ORDER BY '$order_by'"
My guess is that whatever is on line 43 in settings.inc.php is echoing text. If this text is necessary, then you will have to set your cookies beforehand or buffer the output until after the cookies have been set...
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