I ran winmsd to look at the IRQ's and found that the 3c509 is should to be PCI when it is in an ISA slot. would this be the cause and any suggestions on how to correct this.
MasterRacker: <br>Both server and W/S are on the same subnet.<br>the driver is for a 3C509x which i found when I was looking for the driver for the card which is a 3C509B TP, could this be the problem?<br><br>Voland:<br>I can ping the w/s card from the w/s and ping the server card from the...
I built an NT Server and I am having a problem connecting to it. everything installed with on problem. What I do notice is that once the severices load the light on the NIC goes out, I can ping the card from the server but not from the NT Workstation. does the IP address I assigned to the card...
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