ahhhh, i hate windows!!! you see, i have a new problem. windows crashed on me, and i know how to fix it, just there is no way i know how to read a ntfs drive, so, can u read ntfs drives on linux, if so, how???? thx in advance. if u cant, do u know a way to somehow read a ntfs drive like in dos...
Hey, thx to all u who have replied to my msg, but to my own surprise, i found out by playing around. what i did was rather simple for ne one who wants to know who doesnt really know the slightest thing about redhat. all i did was open kde, goto kontrol panel, click lilo, i think it is something...
Ok, ive had Windows Xp on my machine for quite a while then i decided to install redhat 7.1! after i installed redhat, i got a new boot menu, but all it has is linux on it, no windows xp. i think the new boot is called lilo. u should know what it is called, but im not sure. my question to u is...
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