I have Crystal 8.5 using SQL 7.0. The first field in the formula will either be " 123456" or "123456" and the second field is always "123456". Can I do the trim function on an "if first character is blank space" then trim it?
Hi, I have a text field that may or may not start with a blank character. I am trying to select records where {SHOP_ORDERS.LABEL NAME ITEM} = {Labels.Name}, but if the first field has this blank in the front, it will not match with a record from the second table (no blanks in the second table)...
Thanks, I created a SQL expression %Date using
convert(datetime, substring(PR_DC_ND_TRG_LST.PR_SIGNOFF_DT_TRNEE,1,11)) which returns a correct Date format 05/01/2003.
Now what I need to do is be able to create a parameter in the report to choose specific date ranges such as 05/01/2003 thru...
I have a field in a SQL table that displays
05-Sep-2002 16:00:31 (it's a char field). I need to convert it into the following format yyymmdd so that I can use a date range parameter in my report. (I do not need the time)
Can anyone help?
What am I missing?
This formula
Datediff("d",({@Routed Date}),NumberToDate(ToNumber({DH_DOCUMENT.DH_ISSUED_DATE}))) + 1
Gives me this error:
"A number, currency amount, date - time string expected here". It is just before the 'NumberToDate'
FYI @routed date = Date...
I have 2 SQL 7.0 Servers, I am trying to copy a DB from one to the other using DTS Export Wizard, I choice the 'Transfer Objects and Data...' option so I get all the stored procedures etc... During the transfer I receive an error "Login already has an account under a different user...
I couldn't find a way to close it either, but I thought I'd ask just in case I too was missing something.
I would really appreciate if you could show me the correct way to install fonts using the login script.
Nope, no registry entries. Since it works fine after I open the fonts folder, I figured it was ok.
Actually, I need to close the C:\WINNT\Fonts window that the batch opened, not the cmd window the batch is running from. I just don't want users to call because that window is open on their...
We recently installed a new font to every machine using the login script. For some reason the font will not show up on forms unless it is "initialized" first - I did this by just opening the Fonts folder and all was well. My problem is that I don't want to go to every machine and...
I have 2 SQL tables linked by the document number. The first table has multiple entries for each document, the second table has only one entry. I need to only show the first record from table one, not each entry. The results currently look like this:
14-1-001355 02 RETAINER
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