How do I setup a phone so when a user dial 9 plus the number, the system will automatically grab a dial tone without pressing the line?
Thanks in advance.
I used to be able to access an older NAM using a null modem cable. Since our company upgraded our laptops to Windows 2000, I can't get the direct connect to a NAM to work. Can anyone give me some help on how to resolve this? I know I could use a crossed over cable, if the voicemail has a NIC...
I have an Opt81c, a user ordered one 1mb line. How do I assign the line to ring and appear on her phone? She want to be able to press the actual line to answer and call out from the line.
Thanks in advance.
I have a phone setup with 1 rollover DN and with no voicemail. When both prime dn and rollover dn are being used, I want the incomming calls to get a busy signal instead of going to the main general company greeting. Can anyone give a hand on resolving this?
Thanks in advance..
I have a Opt11c and I need know how can I program the switch so when a user calls a long distance number the system will automatically input 1010321 infront of the number?
Thanks in advance...
I upgraded a Thinkpad T20 to WinXP, now the drives aren't hot-swappable anymore. I have to reboot the system to recognize the drive. Can anyone tell me what patch or file I need to download to fix this please?
Can someone give me an idea on how to add or program the switch for a new SBC PRI? I'm not the one who's going to program this, but I want to have an idea on how to do it. Which one needs to be programmed first, which load to use ect...?
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