I have a file called "123.txt" and I want to change name to "AAA.txt" after i finished to write to "123.txt".
I mean I have closed the file "123.txt".
I can open it and read the file and write it to my new file, but can't I just copy the hole file? Or just...
Are there any functions I can use or do I have to write them myself? All kind of convertions between hex,dec,bin,ASCII.
I have strings with 32 byte that i count and do a checksum in the end.
ex. 0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0ECS
I also convert 2 byte to 1 and represent them in ASCII.
ex. 86 (1000...
I have a ListBox that presents information. When the ListBox gets full, I can no longer se whats beeing written. I have to wait until all information has been written, and then use the scroll.
Have tried this...
...but it only...
I have a ListBox, that presents information and some meassurement values, when I press a "startbutton". But the ListBox doesn't update until the function is done. I wont it to display information during the function is running, so the user can see what's happening.
Have used the code below, and have som questions. Does anyone know more about the line: (marked with ********)
sSql = "SELECT StudentID, Marks FROM MarksDemo";
Whats MarksDemo, is it the tabel in the Excel-file?
Have tried to create a table in Excel (called MarksDemo)...
Thank you Marcel!
But I think I'm stupid, because I don't get it right anyway!I've done like this:
CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1000;
CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 100;
Thanks Marcel!
It's ok now, BUT now I also want to skip rest of the code in my function then a timeout occurs in COMMTIMEOUTS. SetCommTimeouts returns like this:
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error...
I have problem then I Init the struct.
typedef struct _COMMTIMEOUTS {
DWORD ReadIntervalTimeout;
DWORD ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier;
DWORD ReadTotalTimeoutConstant;
DWORD WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier;
DWORD WriteTotalTimeoutConstant;
Thanks Marcel!
But I have problem then I Init the struct.
SetCommTimeouts want this parameters:
BOOL SetCommTimeouts(
HANDLE hFile, // handle to comm device
LPCOMMTIMEOUTS lpCommTimeouts // pointer to comm time-out structure
lpCommTimeouts = Pointer to a COMMTIMEOUTS...
I communicate with different modules via com-port.I'm the master and they are slaves. They just answer me then I call them. But if they dont answere me.My program don't want to wait for ever. After a certain time I want to stop reading from the comport.Because in that case I want to send...
Have a combobox, where we have tried to set styles in properties so that the combobox shows the entire list. But can't get more than two alternatives shown at the same time. Can we use properties to fix that?
Martin, Mikael.
We want to be able to set the path to a directory when we click setpath in our FileMenu. We have a SAVE-button, but we don't want to set the path when we click that button. Just change the directory in setpath in the FileMenu.
Want it to work like a browser.When we set the path we don't want to...
I'm trying to to save variabels like byte, int, string to a file and open it with Notepad. But then I open it's I get 'A' instead of 65.(ASCII 65 = A).How do I save my byte to get it right?
And how do I save a String?
Thank you.
We want to do an ActiveX editbox that keep track on the number of characters written. We have done one that count the characters (m_nCharsTyped). It works well until we select more than one character and press backspace ('\b'), then m_nCharsTyped is just decreased by one.
Have tried to move my program from work to my home computer, but it doesn't work. Can't open my window and edit (change editbox, combobox etc.). Says that's it already opened in a editor. Have moved all of the files that are created.
How can I do this?
We have edit boxes, comboboxes in our program. It's defaultvalues in each of them. Then we change a value in one of them we want to see that it's changed (highligthed or something). If we change several values, we want to see in a easy way which are chaged, before we send this values.
How can we...
We have made a dialog based program. We get the closebutton automaticly in the upperright corner when we create the program, but we don't get the other two buttons, maximize and minimaze. How can we do this?
We have tried multiple document instead of dialog based program, then we get all...
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