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Search results for query: *

  1. Unscruffed

    Spawn process within console

    Thanks for the reply. I got it working. Using CreateProcess to spawn the second instance worked - it attaches to the console no problem. I also accidentally found out that when you compile with LinkSwitches=/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE, you don't need to call AttachConsole or AllocConsole - you can...
  2. Unscruffed

    Spawn process within console

    I have a little console app I wrote called FFMemMon.exe that monitors the memory used by ffmpeg. I also have another little app called Wait.exe that simply waits x seconds before exiting. When FFMemMon runs, it attaches to the console and stores the current cursor position. It then starts...
  3. Unscruffed

    Special Character Filter Function Problem

    Escape it the same way you did with the hyphen: [^a-zA-Z0-9\-] becomes [^a-zA-Z0-9\-\.] Another thing is that you don't need to escape the hyphen if you place it at the start: [^-a-zA-Z0-9\.] will work fine. Heaven doesn't want me, and Hell's afraid I'll take over!
  4. Unscruffed

    Create New User to Troubleshoot Failing Software Program with Minimal Background Programs

    XP rocks - best Microsoft OS ever and by far the fastest. Everyone keeps saying "get rid of it because of security blah blah", but for power users who know what they're doing and know the OS inside out, security is no problem at all. I totally agree with your observations about updates too - no...
  5. Unscruffed

    Multiple Zip file creation and download with one button

    If the size of the files is the issue, then I would recommend generating the files and then notifying the client by email when they are ready for download: 1. Client makes request. 2. Respond by informing client that they will receive an email when the files are ready for download. 3. Server...
  6. Unscruffed

    project won't open on second computer

    With a compiled exe you should get a fatal dependency error. Since you have a "form.log" file containing the error you mention, I assume that you have VB6 installed on computer #2 and are getting this error when loading or running the project in the IDE. There may be several reasons for this...
  7. Unscruffed

    Help needed with Fast Fourier Transform

    Okay. I found a Butterworth filter here. I've done some experimenting, and this filter works very well. So the next step is to be able to calculate on the fly the cutoff frequency to use for the low pass filter. Here's what I'm thinking might work: [ol 1] Perform FFT on the buffer. Get the 2...
  8. Unscruffed

    Help needed with Fast Fourier Transform

    I've already checked all the examples at PSC that I can find. Nothing I've found can return the dominant frequency with any accuracy. The closest I've found is the code I posted earlier. I'm currently following up Hypetia's idea of filtering out the harmonics. So now I'm having trouble finding...
  9. Unscruffed

    Help needed with Fast Fourier Transform

    @Hypetia Re #1: That's already been explained in detail, however filtering out the harmonics might be the solution. I'll look into that. Re #2: That's pretty much what I've discovered. FFT tells us the strength of a series of frequency bands in the signal. The number of bands and their...
  10. Unscruffed

    Help needed with Fast Fourier Transform

    G'day Strongm, been a long time. Hope all is well. I already have that zip. It contains a whole bunch of *.bas modules that I couldn't get to work. They heavily cross reference each other (with types and so on), and I had nothing but problems when I tried to use it. They don't even use Option...
  11. Unscruffed

    VB6 tries to install MSVS 2008 Shell ENU

    You might want to take a closer look at your app. vs_ideredist.exe is for Visual Studio 2008 - not VB6. Visual Studio 2008 Shell (integrated mode) with Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package Heaven doesn't want me, and Hell's afraid I'll take over!
  12. Unscruffed

    Help needed with Fast Fourier Transform

    Thanks for the reply. I apologise for my oversight of not providing enough info about the source signal - that obviously would have helped. What you've suggested, is essentially what I'm doing now. I've got this working for one purpose, but not another. So I'll try to explain the exactly what...
  13. Unscruffed

    Help needed with Fast Fourier Transform

    This is the simplest code that I've been able to find so far, and for what does, it does well. But just like all the other so-called "frequency detection" examples I've found, this code relies on comparison, not detection - which are two entirely different things. Public Function Power(Wave()...
  14. Unscruffed

    Help needed with Fast Fourier Transform

    A very generalized title, but quite frankly I'm lost altogether with this. Here's what I want to do: Monitor the soundcard input, analyze it, and get the frequency of the input signal in Hertz (as a Double). All the reading I've done seems to point to using FFT to acomplish this. However all...
  15. Unscruffed

    Run-time error 383. 'Text' property is readonly

    It looks to me (from the screenshot) that the only controls which can have Read Only Text properties are the ComboBoxes. With ComboBoxes, the Text property is read only if ComboBox.Style = 2 (Dropdown List). In this case, you can only set the Text property if the text you are trying to set...
  16. Unscruffed

    What is it all worth.?

    I don't recall having ever seen any program with a warranty before. Heaven doesn't want me, and Hell's afraid I'll take over!
  17. Unscruffed

    Installing vb6 help after installation.

    Don't know mate. Heaven doesn't want me, and Hell's afraid I'll take over!
  18. Unscruffed

    Curious possible Trojan in my app?

    That's nonsense. I use nothing but XP/2k3, and I haven't had any viruses at all for over 15 years. Good surfing habits and using a "hardware" firewall stops nearly all of them. If you don't use IE/Outlook, you dramatically reduce the risk even further. As for XP, it's by far the most reliable...
  19. Unscruffed

    Installing vb6 help after installation.

    I've had similar problems which I couldn't solve. I install VB6 without certain features that I didn't plan on using, then installed database features at a later date. I uninstalled and reinstalled MSDN but the help for the database features are not availaible from within the IDE (either by F1...
  20. Unscruffed

    Opening Photo folders in VB6

    From this and other posts, it seems that there is no need for any selection process at all. If you can use a fixed path and name the image files to match the people's names, then any kind of selection by the user can be made redundant. For example, if the name is entered into Text1, and...

Part and Inventory Search
