Thanks for the link, but I was looking for more of a compleeted program that would do it. I am not that good with C and that stuff is just Greek to me.
ok thanks for the declairs, but now what do I do with them? I pu them in my program and I was reading through the variables, and could not figure out what each one did.
Does any one know how to set the buttons of the Explorer mouse with out having to go to the mouse program every time. I would like to set up some presets for games, and have a exe, or bat or somethink like that change the values for the mouse quickly so that I could have full access to all of...
I am planning on storing data for my program in an INI file, but I dont know how to read from one. Some one told me that there is an api that does it, but I could not find it. Any help would be nice
Is there any way to send an array over a winsock controll? I am writing a game that used a server to get map files from. The files are stored in an array. I need to send it to the client. I really hope that I can send the array, and not have to get all the data out of it then send, and...
That would work except MSDN said
If there is no text selected in the RichTextBox control, setting this property determines the color of all new text entered at the current insertion point.
and I dont want to see the selection flash like it would using that method.
Thanks though
This is the code that I have right now
and txtstuff is a rich text box
Private Sub client_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim stuff() As String, i As Integer
Dim str As String
client.GetData str
stuff = Split(str, Chr(255))
For i = 0 To UBound(stuff)
If Trim(stuff(i)) <> ""...
I have the mocrosoft explorer mouse and I want to be able to change the buttons of the side two for certain things. I though I could write a VB program that changed their values and changed them back later. Then I thought I have no clue how to do that, so I though maybe tek-tips does. Any...
Is there a way to redim a variable array and assign values to it in one sub, and then use the values in a diffrent sub?
This is my code below.
Private Sub Form_Click()
Dim Equ As Long
Dim temp As String
Dim Lines() As String
Dim c As Integer
Dim w As String
Dim U As Integer
Why dont you write it to a file then display the file and when the program unloads kill the HTML that you created. That is the simpleset way that I can think of.
I want to create a macro for a game. I want to have visual basic record what I am doing with the keyboard then play it back to the program that I am curently running. I am not sure how I can do this. Any help would be nice.
I want to know how long my computers has been running. I know I can do it by reading form a file that is created when the system starts that has the time and date that the system started on, but I want to know if there is a built in way to tell. Like an API call or somthing like that.
Cool Paul thanks. I am not going to be using a record set for all of them, but I bet I can use your description to figure our how get make them work. Thanks again.<br><br><br>--Joe
I Need to use a list view control to displaya list in 2 Columns. Then I want to be able to edit the entries through code and not let the user edit them. I know how to put the headders on, but I dont know how to edit the data that is in them, or even how to put data in...
Here is one more example. I use the hex function on the commondialog color and then I need to get the correct RGB values out of each of the values.
ok here is my example. I have a program that uses RGB values to show a color and HEX value. (#FFFFFF=white=255,255,255)<br><br>I want to let the user use the common dialog box to chooe a color, and then move the bars to the correct spots to represent the color.
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