Can someone tell me how to export a query in a comma delimited format to an outlook email.
I would want to do this programmatically using a button.
Is Access capable of this.
I have a report based on a query that includes a filter value from a form text box.
If I run the report from my PC, I type the value in the text box "txtDept" and click the button to run the report, it displays perfectly.
If I run the...
Hi Thanks again but now I get this error message.
Run time error 3622;
You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL server table that has an IDENTITY column.
Sorry, but that doesn't work. The Main form goes to the first record. If I could just get the main form to go to the last record it would work, since the new record is always the last record.
Here it is. The VolID is an autonumber.
Thank you for your help.
Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Dim frm As Form, Cri As String
Set frm = Forms![frmMain]
Cri = "[VolID] = " & Me![VolID] & ""
frm.Recordset.FindFirst Cri
Set frm = ""
End Sub
I have a modal pop up form for creating a new employee. The form requires FName, LName fields and has an auto number field for the unique record. When the record is saved and the form is closed, I want to go to the new record in the main form which is the last record in the dataset. How can I...
I have a report based on a stored procedure from SQL.
In the report I am including a pie chart. The chart key displays what the various colors in the chart represent.
This is what the key displays. I have described the color where in the key it shows a color square.
blue Sum of...
Thank you for your help. Do you think it is because this is a version that is used with Maybe it doesn't have all the functionality that the client version has.
Thank you I was able to make the label changes, but the items I listed above are in the key. Can you change the labels in the key. I don't see this options.
I am using VS 2005 with the CR component.
I did not see an option to change the labels. If I select the chart it is one selection, I can't select individual items.
I am using a SQL statement for my record selection and am including a pie chart graph in my report header.
The key in the graph displays the following:
Sum of command.Carpool 25%
Sum of command.Bicycle 30%
Sum of command.Walk 25%
Sum of command.Vanpool 10%
Sum of command.Transit 10%...
I have create a group on the field "PayPeriod". It seems that I should be able to create a formula like this for each mode.
NumberVar tot1sun1 := 0;
NumberVar tot1mon1 := 0;
If ({ECAPParticipate.Wk_1_Sun}= "1") Then
tot1sun1 := count({ECAPParticipate.Wk_1_Sun})
Thanks, can you give me an example of how to create a running total with a count in the group. I'm new to CR and I'm using the interface in VB.NET. There is not a good help on this. I'll look through over postings to see if I can find something similar.
I have a table for tracking transportation mode to work for each pay period. There are five modes 1=Transit, 2=carpool, 3=bicycle, 4=walk, 5=vanpool
The pay period database fields are below. A number is entered for each day representing the mode. I would like my report to count the modes for...
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