I am using a toolbar connected to actionlist actions. I also have a timer component on the form. The interval for the timer is set to 2. if the timer is enabled, my processor utilization shoots up to 100% ( P2 300 Mhz). If I make the toolbar invisible, utilization is at 3-7 %. If i remove...
I want to insert a record into a table, and before posting, I want to retrieve the value of the auto incremement field. Is this possible ?
Also, I use the locate function of TDataset to retrieve the first record that matches specified criteria, but how do i retireve the following records...
I want to store and retrieve blobs in MS SQL using delphi 5 Enterprise and ADO components. Current method makes use of Blob Stream, but requires constant connection to all fields in Database causing major memory issues.
What is the most efficient way of doing this.
Thank You
I want to decalare the DDECallBack function as a method of an object. Keep getting trivial errors. Any ideas/ resources on using DDE API calls within objects.
I have a linux server. How do I configure the server so that when I send e-mail to another domain name, it forwards the e-mail to the correct SMTP server.
Linux Server is in LinuxDomain.com
I want to send mail from user on linux machine to user@NewDomain.com. The mail server for...
I checked out the link and I have to agree with piti. SymLinks don't solve my problem though. Does anyone know what the file count limit on NTFS partitions are ?
Thanks for the feedback...
When using a TClientSocket on an NT machine, i get a 10049 error. The socket connects to the server, if the server is on the local machine using localhost. If i type in the IP address i.e then i get that error. The program works on Windows 2000 and 98. Why won't it work on the NT...
Is it possible to spread a single MySQL database over multiple folders ? Reason is that I have reached the maximum number of allowed files for a folder ( in my case, 39455 files)
Thank You
MySQL states that there is no limit on the number of tables that can be created, but the problem I have is that when I reach +- 7500 tables, I receive an error stating 'Cant create/write to file .\DbName\TableName.myi Error 13' ( 13 = Permission Denied ) If I drop 'n' tables, then I can...
I get up to +- 7500 tables and I then receive an error stating cannot create/write table. I can however manually
copy files into the database directory.
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